Digital Ministry Mission Statement
The technology in our church is made up of various digital platforms that are being used by the parish in a variety of ways. The digital ministry is designed to support all ministries of the parish that utilize these technologies as well as develop strategies and enhance the technologies being used by the parish. This ministry is unique in that there are many individuals involved in aspects of this ministry merely by the fact that they utilize such technologies in their own ministry and as such they will be key supporters of this ministry. However, the leaders of this ministry are individuals with technical skills and experience/background in various areas of information technology. Since IT is very broad, there are two main focus areas of this Ministry:
1) IT Solutions –
The mission of the IT Solutions piece of this ministry is to ensure the computer hardware/software, networks, servers, databases and related IT equipment is being used in an effective, efficient and most up to date manner and to assist the clergy, office staff and parish ministries to use these vehicles to proclaim the Gospel and build the kingdom of God.
2) Digital Communications –
The mission of the Digital Communication piece of this ministry is to encourage and promote communications using technology resources effectively, as an advantage, by means such as a Parish website, social media, live streaming, online platforms, and other tools as deemed necessary. They will promote effective use of digital media and provide support and guidance to other ministries of the parish in the use of these tools. They are to serve so as to encourage better communication between leaders, staff and the parish community.
Some aspects of each overlap and fit into both areas.