St. Polycarp Parish School of Religion (PSR)
Religious Education Classes for Grades Pre-school – Grade 9
PSR classes begin
Tuesday, September 24th, for grades 5-8 at 7 pm – 8:15 pm
Sunday, September 29th, for grades P/K-4 at 9 am – 10:15 am.
Confirmation classes begin Sunday, October 6th at 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm.
At least one parent must attend the first class with the student.
We begin the new year by gathering in Church together.
Students must be registered before first class.
We offer religious education classes for children in Pre-K through Grade 9, Sacramental Preparation for First Reconciliation, First Eucharist and Confirmation. We also offer Intermediate Sacramental Prep (ISP) for older children who have not yet received sacraments.
Mrs. Erica Taylor, Coordinator of Religious Education (CRE)
Judy Lamborn, Assistant to the CRE
Please register early to help us plan for next year & registering early helps you save money! (See form for tuition rates).
We have a variety of ways to register:
- CLICK HERE to download and print the form, complete and return with payment to the office.
- Online – To pay with a credit or debit card or from your bank account, visit
- Use this QR code:
No child will be denied religious education because of inability to pay. If for some reason you are unable to pay the tuition or fees, please contact Mrs. Taylor, CRE,
at (302)653-4101 or information will be kept confidential.
Schedule of Classes
September through First Week in May
PK/K to Grade 4 – Sundays 9:00 am to 10:15 am 2024-2025 Sunday Classes PK/K- Grade 4
Grades 5 to 8 – Tuesdays 7:00 pm to 8:15 pm 2024-2025 Tuesday Classes 5-8
Confirmation Class – Sundays 5:30 – 7:00 pm 2024-2025 Confirmation Class Calendar
FIRST EUCHARIST: First Grade Children – Did you know that in order to be eligible for First Reconciliation and First Eucharist in Grade 2, your child must have completed 1st grade religious education or Catholic school in the coming school year?
CONFIRMATION: Students typically receive the sacrament of Confirmation in 9th grade. There are attendance requirements that must be met prior to beginning prep classes which include attendance in religious education classes in previous years.
If you have an older child who has missed receiving the sacraments in these grades or have a student that will be entering grades 7 or 8 and have not been attending religious education, call our office at (302) 653 – 4101 or e-mail for more information about our Intermediate Sacramental Program (ISP).
Homeschool parents or those who have children in Catholic school – If you have a child old enough to receive the sacraments of First Reconciliation, First Eucharist or Confirmation and are interested in information about our Parish School of Religion program, please contact our office at (302) 653 – 4101 or e-mail
Do you have a Catholic friend, neighbor or family member whose children are not receiving the religious formation that is vital to the lives of preschoolers through 9th grade? If so, be a Catholic ambassador by inviting them to register their children in our PSR. Sometimes all it takes is a friendly invitation to generate the spark that brings a family back to the Church and parish.
At St. Polycarp Parish School of Religion (PSR) we serve children in pre-kindergarten through ninth grade. Sacramental preparation is offered for First Reconciliation and First Eucharist (2nd grade), and Confirmation (9th grade). Our PSR community recognizes parents as having the primary responsibility for the religious formation of their children. Our catechists (teachers) work collaboratively with parents in teaching children the Catholic faith. Our faculty and staff are dedicated to our mission of teaching children the Catholic faith and the joy of knowing Jesus. In the words of Pope Francis, “Each child is a masterpiece of God’s creation, made in His own image, destined to live forever and deserving of the utmost reverence and respect.” We provide a compassionate learning atmosphere of peace as an alternative to violence. We strictly enforce the policies that ensure a safe environment for our children, entitled “For the Sake of God’s Children.” Throughout the year there are many opportunities for community service including serving the poor and providing support for children in mission areas around the world. Rooted in the “Catechism of the Catholic Church” Grades P/K – Grade 5 use the Sadlier “We Believe” textbook series.
Kids and God: Helpful Tips for Parents If you are more likely to be doing yard work or attending a sporting event on a Sunday morning, than attending Mass, and if most dinners in your home begin without grace, do not worry—you are not alone. But, you are also not alone in your desire for a richer faith life in your family. Not sure how to get started? Commit to these four basic to-dos for the upcoming school year.
ANNUAL CONSENT AND RELEASE FORM Student Acceptable Use of Technology Agreement Our Program
Our Core Curriculum
Grades 6 -8 use St. Mary’s Press
Grade 9 uses Ascension Press “Chosen” text.Family Faith Building Tips
Building Strong Catholic Families
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