To see this week’s Bulletin CLICK HERE
Below is additional information that is not included in the current Bulletin or additional details of the information that is included in this week’s Bulletin.
HB 140, THE BILL THAT WILL LEGALIZE PHYSICIAN-ASSITED SUICIDE IN DELAWARE: We need your help to protect Delaware’s vulnerable citizens! House Bill 140, that legalizes physician-assisted suicide, was voted out of committee and is on the “ready list” to go before the full Delaware House of Representatives. For years, the Catholic community has joined advocates for the disabled and others to oppose this bill that not only is against Catholic teachings regarding the sanctity of life from conception to natural death, but also puts the lives of our most vulnerable citizens at risk. It’s time to stand up and make our voices heard!
What is at Stake? HB 140 is government-sanctioned suicide. It can lead to a slippery slope, with vulnerable individuals — such as the elderly, disabled, or those experiencing depression —being pressured into choosing death over life. For more information, and to send a customizable email to your Representative in Dover, visit
PARKINSON’S COMMUNITY WALK: Saturday April 26th at Big Oak County Park Big Oak Road, Smyrna DE. Registration starts at 8:00. Walk starts at 9:00. $25 Donation to receive a T-shirt at the Walk. Deadline Registration for the T-shirt April 11th.
VISITATIO! offers college-age Catholic women the opportunity for brief immersion experiences in various houses of the Little Sisters of the Poor around the United States. These week-long visits to our communities will include time for prayer and discernment, service to the elderly, an experience of community life and spiritual accompaniment. To view flyer CLICK HERE
Rachel’s Vineyard Catholic Retreat will be held the weekend of May 2nd – 4th. This retreat offers emotional and spiritual healing for anyone who has struggled with grief and loss from an abortion. Whether you are post-abortive or know someone who is, freedom awaits. Contact Nan Bernardo-Freeman at 302-463-7711 (call or text) or by Friday, April 18th.
MEN’S RETREAT WEEKEND AT MALVERN RETREAT HOUSE: Malvern Retreat House (in Malvern, PA) is a nationally-renowned Catholic retreat destination that has been serving people from all walks of life since 1912. Malvern’s 125 acre peaceful, wooded grounds enables you to connect with God through spiritual direction, nature and community.
“The Eucharist ~ Food for The Journey” – We Invite You to Mid-May & Archbishop Fitzmaurice’s Retreat: May 16th – 18th 2025. Our traditional men’s retreat weekend features: Our Spiritual Retreat Director for the weekend is Fr Simeon Gallagher, OFM, Cap Saturday’s Guest Speaker is Phil Martelli—former Head Basketball Coach of St Joe’s University. Spend time at Blessed Carlo Acutis’ Shrine & Center for Eucharistic Encounter [Canonization April ‘25]. Visit the newly installed Papal Cross, originally blessed by Pope (Saint) John Paul II, in 1979. The weekend will also include our familiar list of Spiritual Exercises, with outdoor Stations of the Cross, Rosary Pilgrimage to Our Lady’s Grotto, Reconciliation Services, Private Adorations, and daily Mass. Each retreatant will have a private room, 5 meals throughout the weekend, and 125 acres to explore. Register at
FROM THE DIALOG: Get the latest Catholic news sent free to your inbox. Sign up today for The Dialog newsletter, The Angelus. You’ll receive our newsletter, The Angelus, with the latest diocesan news, spiritual columns and feature stories of interest to people in our schools and parishes. You’ll also get breaking news alerts from and information from our Dialog partners. To sign up, visit and click the “Get Our Newsletter” link at the top of every page. Type in your email address and you’re done.
XAVIER SOCIETY FOR THE BLIND: If you or someone you love is blind or visually impaired, the Xavier Society for the Blind provides free religious, spiritual, and inspirational reading materials in braille, large print and audio to blind and visually impaired individuals worldwide. We are able to provide these materials free-of-charge thanks to the generous support of our donors. We are gearing up to release the New American Bible in large print in the coming weeks! In 13 volumes, our Bible will be size 22 font, sans-serif. We are also delighted to now provide the Mass Propers in large print every month – these are essentially the Missalettes for Mass and include the readings, prayers, and responses to the Mass on Sundays and special Feast days We support this community of faithful in understanding, developing and practicing their Faith. Our service began in 1900 and we hope to serve many more people in new and innovative ways for many years to come. To learn more please visit or call 800-637-9193.
SMYRNA-CLAYTON MINISTERIUM FOOD PANTRY is located downstairs at St. Peter’s Episcopal Church, 22 N. Union St., Smyrna. The pantry is open from 9:30 am to 10:30 am, Monday through Friday. Here at St. Polycarp, we have containers for your food donations in the hallway outside of the Mother Drexel Hall. We collect food all year round. Please no expired food. The pantry is in great need of cereal, juice boxes or pouches, peanut butter and jelly, hamburger helper, tuna helper, canned tuna, canned meat, sloppy joe sauce (Manwich), boxed spaghetti and spaghetti sauce, vegetable beef and chicken noodle soups, macaroni and cheese, and Chef Boyardee canned pastas. Please NO CANNED vegetables or beans are currently needed.
Have you noticed the beautiful ‘Memory’ walkway leading to our outdoor Blessed Mother statue? There’s not time like the present to add your memory brick. Whether you desire to commemorate a loved one, a special occasion, or simply your family name, the choice is yours. There are two ways to order your bricks. To order through Faith Direct: CLICK HERE (you do not need to sign up for Faith Direct), or return your form with payment to St. Polycarp Church in an envelope labeled “Memorial Brick”. Please place the completed order form and a check for $100.00, made payable to St. Polycarp Church, in the envelope. You can place it in the Offertory collection, deliver it to the Parish Office (place in black box), or mail it to St Polycarp Church
Parish Office, 55 Ransom Lane, Smyrna, DE 19977-1617. Forms can be found on our parish website or at the entrances into the church.
REDNER’S 1% SAVE-A-TAPE FUNDRAISER Hang onto those receipts until we are all together again!
Turn your food shopping into cash for our parish. If you are a Redner’s shopper, we would welcome your participation. It is so easy! Simply be sure to obtain and scan your Redner’s Rewards Card each time you shop. (Remember to shop only out of necessity.) Save your whole receipt. Bring your receipts to the Parish Office or just put them into the collection basket. There is no expiration date — even receipts months old can be turned in! Your receipts will generate cash for us. What a hands-down and effortless way to help St. Polycarp Church.
Please do not park in front of the dumpsters on Monday through Friday. This prevents the Waste Management Collection and the Recycling Collection from being picked up. Thank you for your cooperation!
Don’t forget to arrive earlier for Mass so that you won’t miss the announcements!
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