Mass Schedule

St. Polycarp, Smyrna DE
(302) 653-8279
Saturday – 4:00 pm
Sunday – 10:30 am
Weekday Mass – 8:30 am, Tuesday & Wednesday
Confessions – Saturdays, 2:30 pm – 3:30 pm
Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/StPolycarpSmyrnaDE


St. Dennis, Galena MD
(410) 648-5145
Sunday – 8:00 am
Sunday – 11:00 am (Spanish)
Weekday Mass – 8:30 am, Thursday & Friday
Confessions – Sundays, 7:00-7:30 am
Live Stream:


DE Home for the Chronically Ill (DHCI):
Communion Service – 3rd Tuesday at 10:30 am
Communion Service – 1st Wednesday at 1:15 pm

Parish Contact

55 Ransom Lane,
Smyrna, Delaware 19977

Parish Office : (302) 653-8279
Email: office@saintpolycarp.org

Religious Education: (302)653-4101
Email: dre@saintpolycarp.org


Your ways, O Lord, are love and truth to those who keep your covenant.

READINGS FOR THE WEEKEND:    https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/022121.cfm

BULLETIN – Our weekly Bulletins can be viewed online at
https://www.jppc.net/onlinebulletins/301template.pdf Bulletins are also available as you leave Mass, in the black drop box under the portico and in the white box near the front steps of the Church.

LIVE-STREAMING: Visit https://www.youtube.com/c/StPolycarpSmyrnaDE for all live stream.

DAILY MASSES will NOT be celebrated at St. Polycarp on Mondays, Thursdays, and Fridays, beginning this coming week and continuing through the first week in March. There will be 8:30 am Mass on Tuesdays and Wednesdays at St. Polycarp.

BLESSING OF PARISH MINISTRIES: Unfortunately, due to the COVID Pandemic, the Parish Appreciation Dinner was cancelled for this year. Therefore, there will be a Blessing of Parish Ministries this weekend of Feb. 20th and 21st at both the 4:00 P.M. Mass and the 10:30 A.M. Mass.

FRIDAYS IN LENT are obligatory days of abstinence.  The norms concerning abstinence from meat are binding upon members of the Roman Catholic Church from age 14 onwards.                          ~USCCB

STATIONS OF THE CROSS – FRIDAYS AT 7pm in Church. Join us in Church. Reservations not required. Also live-streamed.

ST. VINCENT DePAUL SOCIETY: Is there a family you know who needs assistance? Please call the Society of St. Vincent de Paul (302-264-6630), St. Polycarp Conference so that together we can be a sign of God’s love to the suffering and poor. Have a Blessed Day.

ANNUAL CATHOLIC APPEAL:  CONGRATULATIONS!  GOAL REACHED! The 2020 Annual Catholic Appeal officially closed on January 29, 2021 with $4,298,661 pledges from 9,805 donors of which $4,276,151 or 99.5% of pledges was collected.  Upon the campaign close, six parishes exceeded their initial goals in collections. St. Polycarp is one of these six!  Your continued generosity is overwhelming!

We not only reached and surpassed our goal of $53,000 in pledges, $54,765 was collected!  Because of your generosity, not only does the work of the Diocese benefit but our parish will receive a rebate of $882.50. Your example of stewardship in your response to the appeal is exemplary. The people of St. Polycarp are truly examples of Jesus’ teachings.

STONES FAITH GARDEN: Have you thought about the stone that you will paint for our Stone Faith Garden?  What message will describe how God worked in you throughout the pandemic. Perhaps it was a new appreciation of some aspect of our Church tradition. Maybe it was growth in a particular virtue or devotion. Will you use words, images or both? Make this part of your Lenten journey. Certainly, the stones will be as varied as the living stones of the Church who prepare them! We will be providing guidance and suggestions on the best practices of rock painting. Visit https://saintpolycarp.org/pastoral-letter-february-2021/ to read more. We’re counting on everyone to participate!


LIVE STREAMING MASS FROM ST. POLYCARP – SATURDAYS at 4pm, Sundays at 10:30am, Tuesdays and Wednesdays at 8:30am
Visit our webpage www.saintpolycarp.org and click on the picture of the altar 
Or visit https://www.youtube.com/c/StPolycarpSmyrnaDE

If you are viewing the Mass at a later time, please go to our YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/c/StPolycarpSmyrnaDE to view the Mass.  Please note – there is a time following the live streaming that the Mass is unavailable for viewing. Check back at a later time.

RESERVATION INFORMATION FOR WEEKEND MASSESTo view information on how to make a reservation visit https://saintpolycarp.org/rservation-information/


WEBSITE: Stay connected to St. Polycarp by visiting www.saintpolycarp.org.
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/c/StPolycarpSmyrnaDE
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/SaintPolycarpCatholicChurch/

MASSES DURING THE PANDEMIC: St. Polycarp Church is open for Masses with limited capacity. You must wear a face mask or covering that covers the mouth and nose at all times. Six-foot social distancing applies at all times. Restrooms will not be available. Reservations are required for the weekend Masses.  A weekend Mass reservation reminder is emailed weekly and includes how to make a reservation. Once we reach capacity, no one else will be admitted. Thank you for your cooperation.Reservations are NOT required for 8:30am weekday Masses. The dispensation of the obligation to attend Sunday Mass and Holy Days of Obligation issued March 12, 2020 remains in effect for the Diocese of Wilmington.

CATHOLIC FORUM/RELEVANT RADIO:  Saturdays at 1:30 pm on Relevant Radio 640. On the February 20, 2021 episode of Catholic Forum, tune in to hear an interview with author, Martin Joseph. Martin’s new book is titled, Searching for Hope. Catholic Forum is a production of the Office of Communications of the Diocese of Wilmington. Listen each Saturday at 1:30, on Relevant Radio 640 or via podcast below, or by searching Catholic Forum on Apple, iHeartRadio, and Spotify Podcasts.

THE DIALOG, copies available as you leave Church or online at http://thedialog.org/

LET US PRAY: Morning Offering
O Jesus, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary,

I offer you my prayers, works, joys and sufferings of this day
for all the intentions of your Sacred Heart,
in union with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass throughout the world,
for the salvation of souls, the reparation for sins, the reunion of all Christians,
and in particular for the intentions of the Holy Father this month. Amen
