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Author Archives: Judy Lamborn
2022 Schedule – Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Vigil and Easter Sunday
FASTING AND ABSTINENCE: GOOD FRIDAY is an obligatory day of fasting and abstinence for Catholics. The norms on fasting are obligatory from age 18 until age 59. When fasting, a person is permitted to eat one full meal, as well as two smaller meals that together are not equal to a full meal. The norms concerning abstinence from meat are binding upon members of the Latin (Roman) Catholic Church from age 14 onwards. ~USCCB
STATIONS OF THE CROSS: Reminder, no Stations of the Cross on Good Friday.
Holy Thursday, April 14th
Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper at St. Dennis Church, Galena, MD 7:00 pm
Live stream from St. Dennis Click Here
No Mass at St. Polycarp
Jesus celebrated the first Mass at the Last Supper. Our liturgy on Holy Thursday celebrates the Institution of the Eucharist and Priesthood.
On this day, we are reminded how Jesus washed the feet of the apostles as our priests wash the feet of others.
Good Friday, April 15th
Good Friday of the Lord’s Passion Service at St. Polycarp Church 3:00 pm
Live Stream from St. Polycarp CLICK HERE
No Service at St. Dennis
This is the only day of the year that Mass is not celebrated.
The service held on this day has three parts: Scripture readings including the Passion, Veneration of the Cross and Communion. Following the service, the Tabernacle is left open, the Sanctuary Lamp extinguished and the altar is stripped. The Holy Eucharist is carried to the Altar of Repose. All these actions indicate that Jesus has died.
Easter Vigil, Saturday, April 16th
Easter Vigil Mass at St. Polycarp Church 8:00 pm
(No 4pm Mass at St. Polycarp on April 16th)
Live Stream from St. Polycarp CLICK HERE
No Vigil Mass at St. Dennis
It is on this day that the Easter Vigil is celebrated.
It is during this Liturgy that catechumens are baptized and candidates are initiated into full communion with the Catholic Church
through the Sacraments of Eucharist / Confirmation.
Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord, April 17th
Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord – Masses at St. Polycarp: 8:00 am and 10:00 am
Live stream at 8:00 am from St. Polycarp CLICK HERE
Masses at St. Dennis, Galena, MD 8:00 am, 9:30 am, and 11:00 am (Hispanic)
Easter is the greatest celebration in the Catholic church that marks the completion of the Holy week that ends with the resurrection of Jesus.
Jesus was raised from the dead, conquering sin and death.
LIVE-STREAMING: Visit https://www.youtube.com/c/StPolycarpSmyrnaDE for live stream: Good Friday Service at 3pm, the Easter Vigil at 8pm on Holy Saturday and the 8am Mass on Easter Sunday. Live streams may also be viewed at a later date/time. You can also reach our live stream by going to our web page www.saintpolycarp.org and clicking on the picture of the altar.
PARISH WEBSITE: Visit: www.saintpolycarp.org/.
Weekend Update April 9/10
Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord
Blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord.
Visit our home page to view Reconciliation, Holy Week & Easter Schedules. www.saintpolycarp.org
READINGS FOR THE WEEKEND: https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/041022.cfm
LIVE-STREAMING: Visit https://www.youtube.com/c/StPolycarpSmyrnaDE for live stream at 8:30 am on Tuesdays and Wednesdays and 4 pm on Saturdays.
Live streaming – Good Friday Service at 3pm, the Easter Vigil at 8pm on Holy Saturday and the 8am Mass on Easter Sunday. If you are interested in being involved in this ministry, please email Lisa at lisa.titus@saintpolycarp.org or Judy at communications@saintpolycarp.org.
PARISH WEBSITE: Visit: www.saintpolycarp.org/.
Holy Thursday Mass at St. Dennis: 7 pm on Thursday, April 14th, at St. Dennis. (No Mass at St. Polycarp) (and live streamed from St. Dennis Click Here)
Good Friday Service at St. Polycarp: 3 pm on Friday, April 15th, at St. Polycarp. (and live Streamed) (No service at St. Dennis)
Easter Vigil Mass at St. Polycarp: 8:00 pm on Saturday, April 16th, at St. Polycarp (No 4pm Mass at St. Polycarp.) (and live Streamed) (No Vigil Mass at St. Dennis)
Easter Sunday Masses at St. Polycarp: 8 am and 10 am on Sunday, April 17th, at St. Polycarp.(and live Streamed at 8am)
Easter Sunday Masses at St. Dennis: 8 am, 9:30 am, and 11 am (Hispanic) at St. Dennis.
St. Polycarp – 7 pm on the Friday, April 8th in Church (and live streamed). (No Stations on Good Friday)
St. Dennis – 5 pm and 7 pm (Hispanic) on Fridays in Lent
Remember, Fridays in Lent are obligatory days of abstinence from meat for those age 14 onwards.
GOOD FRIDAY is an obligatory day of fasting and abstinence for Catholics. The norms on fasting are obligatory from age 18 until age 59. When fasting, a person is permitted to eat one full meal, as well as two smaller meals that together are not equal to a full meal. The norms concerning abstinence from meat are binding upon members of the Latin (Roman) Catholic Church from age 14 onwards. ~USCCB The collection for Good Friday is for the Holy Land Shrines.
THE SECOND COLLECTION this weekend is for our Parish School of Religion (PSR). Thank you for your generosity in supporting the religious education of our parish children. It is truly appreciated.
PSR GRADES P/K – 4, Sunday, April 10 at 9am. It’s time to register for next year! Look for information that your child will be receiving at class this weekend! (Each family will be receiving one packet.)
EASTER EGG HUNT! Our Brother Vincent Knights of Columbus will be hosting an Easter Egg Hunt THIS Sunday, April 10th, following the 10:30 am Mass. All children are invited to attend. There will be prizes! Children are asked to bring their own baskets!
CHILDREN’S LITURGY OF THE WORD will take place this Sunday, April 10th during the 10:30am Mass. All children ages PreK-4th grade are welcome to attend. Children will be called to come forward before the First Reading. A catechist and assistant will lead the children to the hall. They will return to you after the General Intercessions. All catechists and assistants have a cleared background check. CLoW mirrors the worship experience of the larger community in an engaging and interactive style. This opportunity allows children to hear Scripture in words they understand and to share their own understanding of God’s Word.
THE VOCATION CHALICE MINISTRY: Sunday, April 10th at the 10:30 am pm Mass – the Netz Family – Please arrive 15 minutes before your mass time and pick up (or drop off) materials in the sacristy.
3-G PROJECT– GIVING, GROWING AND GLORIFYING – Planting trees can honor an individual or group, commemorate an event or memorialize a loved one. Every tree is a living legacy – a gift which will grow stronger year after year-and a unique way to express thanksgiving for the gifts God has bestowed on you. No other gift lasts as long and yields so many benefits. Due to the overwhelming generosity of our Parishioners, as of this minute there are only 4 trees left. If you would like to be a part of this wonderful memorial, Cindy Kennedy will be in the hall after each Mass this weekend or you can contact Cindy at kennedy-078@msn.com. Brochures with sponsorship information can be found at all the entrances. Planting will begin soon!
EASTER MASS REMEMBRANCE: Easter is the greatest celebration in the Catholic Church because it is the completion of the Holy week that ends with the resurrection of Jesus. Jesus was raised from the dead, and by that He conquered sin and death. Living or deceased, the best gift you can give a loved one is the gift of the Mass. Please use the Easter Mass Remembrance envelope to enjoin your friends and family in our MOST HOLY CELEBRATION.
EASTER FLOWERS: The Easter Flowers, particularly the white lilies with their large white trumpet flowers, proclaim that spring is upon us and they symbolize hope and new life. Add to the beauty of our church during this joyful season by using your Easter flower envelope to help us proclaim that Jesus has risen!
RECONCILIATION MONDAY – April 11th: It’s here! Bishop Koenig is personally inviting all Catholics in Delaware and Maryland’s Eastern Shore to experience our Lord’s love and forgiveness this Monday for the first diocesan wide Reconciliation Monday. All parish churches will be open form 3-8 pm – Pastors with multiple churches may not be able to have each church covered during that time. Here at St. Polycarp, on Monday, April 11th, Confessions will be heard from 3-5pm (Fr. Gerres) and then from 6-8pm (Fr. Jim). Visit our home page to view Reconciliation, Holy Week & Easter Schedules. www.saintpolycarp.org
PSR GRADES 5-8, Tuesday, April 12th at 7pm. It’s time to register for next year! Look for information that your child will be receiving at class this weekend! (Each family will be receiving one packet.)
The PARISH OFFICE will be CLOSED these dates in observance of the Triduum and Easter:
Holy Thursday, April 14th; Good Friday, April 15th; Easter Monday, April 18th
DIVINE MERCY CHAPLET: All are invited to stay and pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet immediately following the 3pm Good Friday service on April 15th at St Polycarp. At the conclusion of the service, silence must be maintained until after all others have exited the church. Literature will be provided to help you follow along. Call or text Janet Hovis at 302-399-9066 if you have any questions.
HELP NEEDED – We are in need of front desk receptionists in the parish office. Could you possibly consider donating 3 hours of your time once a week? There are 2 shifts open. Wednesday and Friday afternoons from Noon till 3 pm. If you are interested, or would like more information, please call Kathy in the Parish Office, or send her an email. We appreciate the members of this Office Ministry immensely – the gift of your time is priceless!
WE NEED YOUR HELP! – Do you like posting on Social Media? Want to help people connect through this platform? We are looking for someone to take over posting to our Facebook page beginning in May. Do you know how to find appropriate material and schedule posts? We have from now until the beginning of May to help you get started! If interested, contact Judy at communications@saintpolycarp.org. We need someone to share his/her talent before May 1st! Please consider this important ministry.
RECONCILIATION: CONFESSIONS AT ST. POLYCARP are Saturdays from 2:30 to 3:30 pm. (No confessions on Holy Saturday, April 16th.)
CRS RICE BOWLS: Please pick-up a rice bowl as you leave Mass today. Rice bowls can be found on the tables at the doors of the church.
Rice bowls are returned to Church at the end of Lent.
Sponsored by Brother Vincent Columbiettes
Order a generously filled colorful 11” hanging basket.
The hardy, beautiful Baskets from local growers, in your choice of Petunias or Begonias, are $25.00 each.
Orders need to be placed by April 30th for pick up on the Friday before Mother’s Day May, 6th 3pm – 5pm.
To place your order contact: Linda Montuori 302-270-5347, Angela Gibson 302-270-4100 or email Darlene Sanphy darpete87@comcast.net
MAY CROWNING: May is the month dedicated to Mary. Catholics all over the world honor the Mother of God by placing a crown of flowers on her head during a May Crowning Ceremony. Please join us outside, in front of the statue of Mary, on May 1st, following the 10:30 a.m. Mass, for a short ceremony to honor Mary “The Queen of Heaven”. Look for details in next weekend’s bulletin.
THE VOCATION CHALICE MINISTRY: Please sign up to take home the Vocation Chalice for one week. Call or text Alice Gaston 302-670-7924 to sign up. Each week a family will receive the Vocation Chalice at Mass and take it home with the promise to “pray for vocations” during that week. The family should place the chalice in a prominent place in their home and gather together each day to pray for the awareness of vocations. At the end of the week, the family will bring the chalice back to church so the next family can take it home. A booklet will accompany the chalice that has prayers and instructions. We need your prayers and for you to sign up. See the Bulletin for schedule. Sunday, April 10th – Netz Family, April 24th – Watts Family, May 8 – Compton Family
CHANGE THE WORLD: BECOME CATHOLIC! If you know someone who is looking for a new beginning and wants to learn more about the Catholic Church, “personally invite” them to our RCIA sessions, Monday evenings at 6:30pm. The RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) is for individuals who are unbaptized, baptized in other faith traditions or Catholic adults wishing to receive Confirmation and Holy Eucharist and seeking full membership in the Catholic Church. We are all called to share the “Good News” and you can make a difference by simply asking! Please contact Deacon Frank Weber for more information at DeaconFrank@saintpolycarp.org or leave a message with the Parish office at (302) 653-8279.
REDNER’S MARKETS 1% SAVE-A-TAPE FUNDRAISER: Turn your food shopping into cash for our parish. Simply be sure to obtain and scan your Redner’s Rewards Card each time you shop. Save your whole receipt. Bring your receipts to the Parish Office or put them into the collection basket. There is no expiration date – you can turn receipts months old in!
Thank you to our Bulletin advertisers! We appreciate your support! – Thank you to this week’s advertiser – Matthews-Bryson Funeral Home and Cremation Services, 123 W. Commerce Street, Smyrna 302.653.2900
WEBSITE: www.saintpolycarp.org.
BULLETIN: https://www.jppc.net/onlinebulletins/301template.pdf
BULLETIN OVERFLOW: https://saintpolycarp.org/this-weeks-bulletin/
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/c/StPolycarpSmyrnaDE
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/SaintPolycarpCatholicChurch/
ONLINE GIVING: Please consider becoming an e-giver. It is easy to make your weekly or one time contributions in support of the Parish. For more information and to sign up for online giving, visit faith.direct/DE831
ST DENNIS: http://www.stdennischurch.org
DIOCESE OF WILMINGTON – LIVE STREAMING https://www.youtube.com/user/DioceseofWilm
THE DIALOG: http://thedialog.org/ Newspaper of the Diocese, copies available as you leave Church or online
EWTN: ewtn.com
CATHOLIC FORUM/RELEVANT RADIO: Saturdays at 1:30 pm on Relevant Radio 640. On the April 9 episode, tune-in to hear an exclusive interview with The Most Reverend William E. Koenig and learn about the April 11th RECONCILIATION MONDAY. Listen online anytime at cdow.org/CatholicForum, or by searching “Catholic Forum” on Apple, Spotify, iHeartRadio, or Amazon Music podcasts.
O most holy heart of Jesus, fountain of every blessing, I adore you, I love you, and with lively sorrow for my sins, I offer you this poor heart of mine. Make me humble, patient, pure and wholly obedient to your will. Grant, good Jesus, that I may live in you and for you. Amen.
Weekend Update April 2/3
5th Sunday of Lent
Just one thing: forgetting what lies behind but straining forward to what lies ahead,
I continue my pursuit toward the goal, the prize of God’s upward calling in Christ Jesus. (Letter Saint Paul to the Philippians)
Visit our home page to view Reconciliation, Holy Week & Easter Schedules. www.saintpolycarp.org
READINGS FOR THE WEEKEND: https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/040322.cfm
LIVE-STREAMING: Visit https://www.youtube.com/c/StPolycarpSmyrnaDE for live stream at 8:30 am on Tuesdays and Wednesdays and 4 pm on Saturdays. If you are interested in being involved in this ministry, please email Lisa at lisa.titus@saintpolycarp.org or Judy at communications@saintpolycarp.org.
PARISH WEBSITE: Visit: www.saintpolycarp.org/.
St. Polycarp – 7 pm on the Fridays in Lent in Church (and live streamed). (No Stations on Good Friday)
St. Dennis – 5 pm and 7 pm (Hispanic) on Fridays in Lent
Remember, Fridays in Lent are obligatory days of abstinence from meat for those age 14 onwards.
MASS WILL BE CELEBRATED this Saturday, April 2nd at 8:30 am. The Columbiettes Lenten Retreat will follow immediately. The Mass is open to all – you do not need to be signed up for the retreat to attend the Mass. (This is a daily Mass and not the weekend Mass for the Fifth Sunday in Lent.)
THE SECOND COLLECTION this weekend is for our Parish Maintenance.
PSR GRADES P/K – 4, Sunday, April 3 at 9am. Thank you for all of the food items that were donated as part of our Lenten Almsgiving Outreach Activity!
APRIL AGAPE, hosted by our Pastoral Council – Come join us as we gather together with friends and family this Sunday, April 3rd, following the 10:30 Mass. Please join us to share a light lunch, desserts, and beverage. What a great opportunity to meet and chat with your council members.
3-G PROJECT – We’ll hear about this project at Masses this weekend! See the brochure inserted in this weekend’s bulletin!
HELP NEEDED – We are in need of front desk receptionists in the parish office. Could you possibly consider donating 3 hours of your time once a week? There are 2 shifts open. Wednesday and Friday afternoons from Noon till 3 pm. If you are interested, or would like more information, please call Kathy in the Parish Office, or send her an email. We appreciate the members of this Office Ministry immensely – the gift of your time is priceless!
WE NEED YOUR HELP! – Do you like posting on Social Media? Want to help people connect through this platform? We are looking for someone to take over posting to our Facebook page beginning in May. Do you know how to find appropriate material and schedule posts? We have from now until the beginning of May to help you get started! If interested, contact Judy at communications@saintpolycarp.org.
THE DEANERY LENTEN PENANCE SERVICE will take place at Holy Cross Church, Dover this coming Monday, April 4th, at 7 pm. Several priests will be present to hear confessions.
EARLY BULLETIN SUBMISSION DEADLINE: If you have information for our Easter (April 17th) Bulletin, it must be submitted by noon on Monday, April 4th. Submissions should be emailed to submission@saintpolycarp.org
PSR GRADES 5-8, Tuesday, April 5th at 7pm. Thank you for all of the food items that were donated as part of our Lenten Almsgiving Outreach Activity!
PURGATORIAL SOCIETY; When you enroll your loved one in the Purgatorial Society, he/she will be sharing in the prayers of our family of faith and in the spiritual benefits of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass on the first Wednesday of each month for one year. (This month – Wednesday, April 6th, 8:30 am). The names of those enrolled are listed in this weekend’s bulletin, and will be listed before the first Wednesday of each month. There will also be a general announcement made at the Mass for all the souls in the Purgatorial Society. These names will not be read individually during Mass but will be placed in a special book on the altar. For more information visit this weekend’s bulletin. CLICK HERE to see this weekend’s bulletin.
EASTER EGG HUNT! Our Brother Vincent Knights of Columbus will be hosting an Easter Egg Hunt next Sunday, April 10th, following the 10:30 am Mass. All children are invited to attend. There will be prizes! Children are asked to bring their own baskets!
CHILDREN’S LITURGY OF THE WORD will take place next Sunday, April 10th during the 10:30am Mass. All children ages PreK-4th grade are welcome to attend. Children will be called to come forward before the First Reading. A catechist and assistant will lead the children to the hall. They will return to you after the General Intercessions. All catechists and assistants have a cleared background check. CLoW mirrors the worship experience of the larger community in an engaging and interactive style. This opportunity allows children to hear Scripture in words they understand and to share their own understanding of God’s Word.
THE VOCATION CHALICE MINISTRY: Sunday, April 10th at the 10:30 am pm Mass – the Netz Family – Please arrive 15 minutes before your mass time and pick up (or drop off) materials in the sacristy.
Has it been a long time since your last confession? “Bless me Father for I have sinned. I forget what to say and how long it’s been since my last confession!” Always remember that the priest will help you through this Great Sacrament of Mercy. Don’t stay away because you forget the “how to”. Just bring your desire to be forgiven. Come renew & strengthen your soul! (You can also visit https://saintpolycarp.org/reconciliation-refresher/ and Examine your conscience
CONFESSIONS AT ST. POLYCARP are Saturdays from 2:30 to 3:30 pm. (No confessions on Holy Saturday, April 16th.)
THE DEANERY LENTEN PENANCE SERVICE will take place at Holy Cross Church, Dover this coming Monday, April 4th, at 7 pm. Several priests will be present to hear confessions.
RECONCILIATION MONDAY – April 11th: Bishop Koenig, after consulting with the Priests’ Council, has decided to launch Reconciliation Monday in our diocese. Held on the Monday of Holy Week, every parish will offer Confessions from 3 to 8 pm. Pastors with multiple churches may not be able to have each church covered during that time. Here at St. Polycarp, on Monday, April 11th, Confessions will be heard from 3-5pm (Fr. Gerres) and then from 6-8pm (Fr. Jim). Visit our home page to view Reconciliation, Holy Week & Easter Schedules. www.saintpolycarp.org
Palm Sunday Masses at St. Polycarp: Saturday, April 9th at 4pm & Sunday, April 10th at 10:30 am.
Holy Thursday Mass at St. Dennis: 7 pm on Thursday, April 14th, at St. Dennis. (No Mass at St. Polycarp)
Good Friday Service at St. Polycarp: 3 pm on Friday, April 15th, at St. Polycarp. (No service at St. Dennis)
Easter Vigil Mass at St. Polycarp: 8:00 pm on Saturday, April 16th, at St. Polycarp (No Vigil Mass at St. Dennis)
Easter Sunday Masses at St. Polycarp: 8 am and 10 am on Sunday, April 17th, at St. Polycarp.
Easter Sunday Masses at St. Dennis: 8 am, 9:30 am, and 11 am (Hispanic) at St. Dennis.
CRS RICE BOWLS: Please pick-up a rice bowl as you leave Mass today. Rice bowls can be found on the tables at the doors of the church.
Rice bowls are returned to Church at the end of Lent.
EASTER MASS REMEMBRANCE: Easter is the greatest celebration in the Catholic Church because it is the completion of the Holy week that ends with the resurrection of Jesus. Jesus was raised from the dead, and by that He conquered sin and death. Living or deceased, the best gift you can give a loved one is the gift of the Mass. Please use the Easter Mass Remembrance envelope to enjoin your friends and family in our MOST HOLY CELEBRATION.
EASTER FLOWERS: The Easter Flowers, particularly the white lilies with their large white trumpet flowers, proclaim that spring is upon us and they symbolize hope and new life. Add to the beauty of our church during this joyful season by using your Easter flower envelope to help us proclaim that Jesus has risen!
CHANGE THE WORLD: BECOME CATHOLIC! If you know someone who is looking for a new beginning and wants to learn more about the Catholic Church, “personally invite” them to our RCIA sessions, Monday evenings at 6:30pm. The RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) is for individuals who are unbaptized, baptized in other faith traditions or Catholic adults wishing to receive Confirmation and Holy Eucharist and seeking full membership in the Catholic Church. We are all called to share the “Good News” and you can make a difference by simply asking! Please contact Deacon Frank Weber for more information at DeaconFrank@saintpolycarp.org or leave a message with the Parish office at (302) 653-8279.
Sponsored by Brother Vincent Columbiettes
Order a generously filled colorful 11” hanging basket.
The hardy, beautiful Baskets from local growers, in your choice of Petunias or Begonias, are $25.00 each.
Orders need to be placed by April 30th for pick up on the Friday before Mother’s Day May, 6th 3pm – 5pm.
To place your order contact: Linda Montuori 302-270-5347, Angela Gibson 302-270-4100 or email Darlene Sanphy darpete87@comcast.net
THE VOCATION CHALICE MINISTRY: Please sign up to take home the Vocation Chalice for one week. Call or text Alice Gaston 302-670-7924 to sign up. Each week a family will receive the Vocation Chalice at Mass and take it home with the promise to “pray for vocations” during that week. The family should place the chalice in a prominent place in their home and gather together each day to pray for the awareness of vocations. At the end of the week, the family will bring the chalice back to church so the next family can take it home. A booklet will accompany the chalice that has prayers and instructions. We need your prayers and for you to sign up. See the Bulletin for schedule. Sunday, April 10th – Netz Family.
REDNER’S MARKETS 1% SAVE-A-TAPE FUNDRAISER: Turn your food shopping into cash for our parish. Simply be sure to obtain and scan your Redner’s Rewards Card each time you shop. Save your whole receipt. Bring your receipts to the Parish Office or put them into the collection basket. There is no expiration date – you can turn receipts months old in!
Thank you to our Bulletin advertisers! We appreciate your support! – Thank you to this week’s advertiser – Faries Funeral Directors, Inc. 29. S. Main Street, Smyrna 302.653.8816
WEBSITE: www.saintpolycarp.org.
BULLETIN: https://www.jppc.net/onlinebulletins/301template.pdf
BULLETIN OVERFLOW: https://saintpolycarp.org/this-weeks-bulletin/
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/c/StPolycarpSmyrnaDE
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/SaintPolycarpCatholicChurch/
ONLINE GIVING: Please consider becoming an e-giver. It is easy to make your weekly or one time contributions in support of the Parish. For more information and to sign up for online giving, visit faith.direct/DE831
ST DENNIS: http://www.stdennischurch.org
DIOCESE OF WILMINGTON – LIVE STREAMING https://www.youtube.com/user/DioceseofWilm
THE DIALOG: http://thedialog.org/ Newspaper of the Diocese, copies available as you leave Church or online
EWTN: ewtn.com
CATHOLIC FORUM/RELEVANT RADIO: Saturdays at 1:30 pm on Relevant Radio 640. Julianne Stanz, author of “Brave the Thin Places,” will be the guest on the April 2nd Catholic Forum podcast. Listen online anytime at cdow.org/CatholicForum, or by searching “Catholic Forum” on Apple, Spotify, iHeartRadio, or Amazon Music podcasts.
LET US PRAY: Act of Contrition
O my God,
I am heartily sorry for having offended Thee, and I detest all my sins, because I dread the loss of heaven, and the pains of hell;
but most of all because they offend Thee, my God, Who are all good and deserving of all my love.
I firmly resolve, with the help of Thy grace, to confess my sins, to do penance, and to amend my life.