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Author Archives: Judy Lamborn

Mass Schedule

St. Polycarp, Smyrna DE
(302) 653-8279
Saturday – 4:00 pm
Sunday – 10:30 am
Weekday Mass – 8:30 am, Tuesday & Wednesday
Confessions – Saturdays, 2:30 pm – 3:30 pm

St. Dennis, Galena MD
(410) 648-5145
Sunday – 8:00 am
Sunday – 11:00 am (Spanish)
Weekday Mass – 8:30 am, Thursday & Friday
Confessions – Sundays, 7:00-7:30 am


DE Home for the Chronically Ill (DHCI):
Communion Service – 3rd Tuesday at 10:30 am
Communion Service – 1st Wednesday at 1:15 pm

Parish Contact

55 Ransom Lane,
Smyrna, Delaware 19977

Parish Office : (302) 653-8279
Email: office@saintpolycarp.org

Religious Education: (302)653-4101
Email: dre@saintpolycarp.org

Weekend Update July 24/25


The hand of the Lord feeds us: He answers all our needs.


READINGS FOR THE WEEKENDhttps://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/072521.cfm

LIVE-STREAMING: Visit https://www.youtube.com/c/StPolycarpSmyrnaDE for all live stream. (or visit our webpage www.saintpolycarp.org and click on the picture of the altar ) Masses may also be viewed at a later time.

ONLINE BULLETINhttps://www.jppc.net/onlinebulletins/301template.pdf 

WELCOME BISHOP WILLIAM E. KOENIG: If you didn’t pick up a copy last week, make sure to pick up a copy of the Dialog as you leave Mass this weekend for a special 72- page keepsake about our new Bishop.

ST. DENNIS CHURCH “Drive thru” BULL ROAST FUND RAISER, 153 N. Main Street, Galena, MD. Saturday, July 24th. MENU – Delicious roast beef, corn on the cob, homemade potato salad and coleslaw plus rolls/butter and a beverage for $15. The famed St Dennis Bake Sale will also be available for purchasing your dessert as you exit the property.  Advance ticket purchases are recommended as a limited number of meals will be prepared.  Tickets may be purchased at the Church before and after the weekend Masses OR by calling Jim Bricker at 717-575-1235.  Pick up of meals with curb side service is on July 24th from 11am until 2pm.  Please follow the directed traffic pattern

R.C.I.A.:  Deacon Frank will hold an Inquiry Session Monday, July 26th at 6:30pm for those adults who have not been baptized, who were baptized in another Christian tradition who desire to become Catholic or for those adults baptized Catholic in need of First Communion and/or Confirmation. For information, please contact Deacon Frank Weber at DeaconFrank@saintpolycarp.org or leave a message with the parish office. (302) 653-8279.

ATTENTION MINISTRY LEADERS! Our Annual Leadership Information Meeting is this TUESDAY, July 27th. at 7 pm in the hall.  See you there!

AGAPE NEXT SUNDAY! Come join your fellow parishioners next Sunday, August 1st after the 10:30am Mass for Agape, a celebration of God’s Love for his people, and enjoy a light brunch and fellowship.

SEASONS OF HOPE BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT GROUP explores mourning through scripture, prayer, reflection, activities, and faith sharing. “Seasons of Hope” gives the bereaved an opportunity to come together to share God’s love.  It provides a safe place to share thoughts and feelings.  It also offers the knowledge that others are on the same grief journey and mutual support is given to each other. For more information contact Diane Dellinger at ddellinger7377@outlook.com or Maureen Robinson (302) 423 – 6366.

REGISTRATION FOR PSR (Parish School of Religion) is now open for 2021-2022.  Our PSR offers religious education for children in pre-kindergarten through ninth grade. Sacramental preparation is offered for First Reconciliation, First Eucharist, and Confirmation. Visit https://saintpolycarp.org/religious-education/ for more information and to register. Registration Forms are also available in the black drop box under the portico. Questions? Contact our Coordinator of Religious Education, Erica Taylor at 302-653-4101 or dre@saintpolycarp.org

SAVE this Date—Sunday, September 12, 2021  for St. Polycarp’s 2nd Annual Steak Dinner and Golf Tournament at Maple Dale Country Club in Dover, DE.  Plated steak dinner at this beautiful country club $35.00 and/or Golf Tournament with lunch, green fee, golf cart, on course beverages, gift bags, prizes and steak dinner $125.00 per golfer or $460.00 team of four.  For more information contact: Larry Borgman lborgaman007@gmail.com (302-389-6018) or Kathy Willes kdwilles@comcast.net (302-670-7330).  Register online at membership.faithdirect.net/events/details/7142.

CATHOLIC DIOCESE OF WILMINGTON  MARIAN PILGRIMAGE with Bishop William Koenig at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, Washington, D.C. September 25, 2021, 10AM-4PM https://saintpolycarp.org/marian-pilgrimage/

REDNER’S MARKETS 1% SAVE-A-TAPE FUNDRAISER: Turn your food shopping into cash for our parish. If you are a Redner’s shopper, we welcome your participation. Simply be sure to obtain and scan your Redner’s Rewards Card each time you shop. Save your whole receipt. Bring your receipts to the Parish Office or put them into the collection basket. There is no expiration date – you can turn receipts months old in!


WEBSITE: www.saintpolycarp.org.
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/SaintPolycarpCatholicChurch/
ONLINE GIVING: Please consider becoming an e-giver. It is easy to make your weekly or one time contributions in support of the Parish.  For more information and to sign up for online giving, visit  faith.direct/DE831
ST DENNIS: http://www.stdennischurch.org
THE DIALOG: http://thedialog.org/  Newspaper of the Diocese, copies available as you leave Church or online


CATHOLIC FORUM/RELEVANT RADIO:  Saturdays at 1:30 pm on Relevant Radio 640. On tomorrow’s episode, tune in to hear an interview with Fritz Jones and find out what’s new at Catholic Charities. Listen anytime at cdow.org/CatholicForum or search Catholic Forum on Apple, Spotify or iHeartRadio podcasts.


My adorable Jesus,
May our feet journey together.
May our hands gather in unity.
May our hearts beat in unison.
May our souls be in harmony.
May our thoughts be as one.
May our ears listen to the silence together.
May our glances profoundly penetrate each other.
May our lips pray together to gain mercy from the Eternal Father.


Weekend Update July 17/18

Make sure to pick up a copy of the Dialog as you leave Mass this weekend for a special 72- page keepsake
or visit http://thedialog.org/

View the Episcopal Ordination and Installation of the Most Reverend William Edward Koenig as the 10th Bishop of Wilmington at CLICK HERE

To view the Worship aid CLICK HERE

The Episcopal Ordination (Ordination of a Bishop) was the first in the Diocese since 1897. Following the Ordination, the new Bishop was installed as the 10th Bishop of our Diocese, the Diocese of Wilmington.

See this week’s Bulletin (hard copies only) for an insert on Bishop Koenig’s Coat of Arms or visit https://www.cdow.org/fresh/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Koenig-Wilmington-explanation.pdf


  The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want.

READINGS FOR THE WEEKENDhttps://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/071821.cfm

LIVE-STREAMING: Visit https://www.youtube.com/c/StPolycarpSmyrnaDE for all live stream. (or visit our webpage www.saintpolycarp.org and click on the picture of the altar ) Masses may also be viewed at a later time.

ONLINE BULLETINhttps://www.jppc.net/onlinebulletins/301template.pdf 

BLESSING OF THOSE WHO WEAR SCAPULARS takes place this Saturday at the 4pm Mass.

THE PARISH OFFICE will be open Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 9am to 3pm. On Tuesday, July 20th, the office will open at 9am and close at noon.

ST. DENNIS CHURCH “Drive thru” BULL ROAST FUND RAISER, 153 N. Main Street, Galena, MD. Saturday, July 24th. MENU – Delicious roast beef, corn on the cob, homemade potato salad and coleslaw plus rolls/butter and a beverage for $15. The famed St Dennis Bake Sale will also be available for purchasing your dessert as you exit the property.  Advance ticket purchases are recommended as a limited number of meals will be prepared.  Tickets may be purchased at the Church before and after the weekend Masses OR by calling Jim Bricker at 717-575-1235.  Pick up of meals with curb side service is on July 24th from 11am until 2pm.  Please follow the directed traffic pattern

R.C.I.A. – CHANGE THE WORLD: Do you know someone who is interested in becoming Catholic? Are you an adult who has never made First Eucharist or been Confirmed? Deacon Frank will hold an Inquiry Session Monday, July 26th at 6:30pm for those adults who have not been baptized, who were baptized in another Christian tradition who desire to become Catholic or for those adults baptized Catholic in need of First Communion and/or Confirmation. For information, please contact Deacon Frank Weber at DeaconFrank@saintpolycarp.org or leave a message with the parish office. (302) 653-8279.

ATTENTION MINISTRY LEADERS! Mark your calendar now for our Annual Leadership Information Meeting on TUESDAY, July 27th. RSVP by Friday, July 23. If you are a leader of one of our ministries you should have received an email  about this meeting. If you did not receive one, contact Judy at communications@saintpolycarp.org.Two representatives must be present from each ministry.

REGISTRATION FOR PSR (Parish School of Religion) is now open for 2021-2022.  Our PSR offers religious education for children in pre-kindergarten through ninth grade. Sacramental preparation is offered for First Reconciliation, First Eucharist, and Confirmation. Visit https://saintpolycarp.org/religious-education/ for more information and to register. Registration Forms are also available in the black drop box under the portico. Questions? Contact our Coordinator of Religious Education, Erica Taylor at 302-653-4101 or dre@saintpolycarp.org

IS GOD CALLING YOU?  LISTEN CAREFULLY! We are in need of a few catechists and assistants for PSR this Fall and we are always looking for members for our Christian Formation Committee and RCIA and Baptismal Teams. Catechists needed for Grades 3 and 7, Assistants needed for Grades 1, 3 and 8
If you feel God calling you, please contact Erica Taylor, CRE at 302-653-4101 or dre@saintpolycarp.org

SAVE this Date—Sunday, September 12, 2021  for St. Polycarp’s 2nd Annual Steak Dinner and Golf Tournament at Maple Dale Country Club in Dover, DE.  Plated steak dinner at this beautiful country club $35.00 and/or Golf Tournament with lunch, green fee, golf cart, on course beverages, gift bags, prizes and steak dinner $125.00 per golfer or $460.00 team of four.  For more information contact: Larry Borgman lborgaman007@gmail.com (302-389-6018) or Kathy Willes kdwilles@comcast.net (302-670-7330).  Register online at membership.faithdirect.net/events/details/7142.

CATHOLIC DIOCESE OF WILMINGTON  MARIAN PILGRIMAGE with Bishop William Koenig at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, Washington, D.C. September 25, 2021, 10AM-4PM https://saintpolycarp.org/marian-pilgrimage/

ANNUAL CATHOLIC APPEAL: If you have made your pledge, thank you for your generosity in supporting this annual appeal.  If you have not, please prayerfully consider giving. No gift is too small to help those in need. Pledge cards are available at the doors of the Church and in the black drop box under the portico or online at www.cdow.org/annualcatholicappeal. Checks should be made payable to the “Annual Catholic Appeal”.
Pledges and donations can be mailed to:
Annual Catholic Appeal
Catholic Diocese of Wilmington
PO Box 25050
Wilmington DE  19899-5050
(Make sure to note that you are from St. Polycarp Parish!)


WEBSITE: www.saintpolycarp.org.
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/SaintPolycarpCatholicChurch/
ONLINE GIVING: Please consider becoming an e-giver. It is easy to make your weekly or one time contributions in support of the Parish.  For more information and to sign up for online giving, visit  faith.direct/DE831
ST DENNIS: http://www.stdennischurch.org
THE DIALOG: http://thedialog.org/  Newspaper of the Diocese, copies available as you leave Church or online


CATHOLIC FORUM/RELEVANT RADIO:  Saturdays at 1:30 pm on Relevant Radio 640. On tomorrow’s episode, Catholic Forum will contain highlights from the July 13th ordination and installation Mass, including Archbishop William Lori’s homily and Bishop Koenig’s first public remarks as shepherd of Delaware and Maryland Eastern Shore Catholics. Listen anytime at cdow.org/CatholicForum or search Catholic Forum on Apple, Spotify or iHeartRadio podcasts.

LET US PRAY: A Prayer for Bishop Koenig.



Weekend Update July 10/11


  Lord, let us see Your kindness, and grant us Your salvation.


READINGS FOR THE WEEKENDhttps://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/071121.cfm

LIVE-STREAMING: Visit https://www.youtube.com/c/StPolycarpSmyrnaDE for all live stream. (or visit our webpage www.saintpolycarp.org and click on the picture of the altar ) Masses may also be viewed at a later time.

ONLINE BULLETINhttps://www.jppc.net/onlinebulletins/301template.pdf 

SECOND COLLECTION THIS WEEKEND is for Parish Utilities. Please be as generous as possible. Thank you.

THE BLESSING OF THE STONES FAITH GARDEN takes place tomorrow at the 4pm Mass. Join us as our Community Offered Vision Inspired by the Disease Stones, FAITH GARDEN is blessed. (Did you know that the letter “S” is the 19th letter of the alphabet?) See all of the messages of faith that parishioners have shared describing how God worked in their lives throughout the pandemic.
We welcome all those who contributed a stone to explain its meaning by submitting a line or two, a paragraph or two, about your stone. Submissions should be sent to   submission@saintpolycarp.org.

Come One, Come All… to our Toy Giveaway in the halls of our PSR Building this weekend after both Masses. TOYS, PUZZLES AND MORE! Need Toys? Want Toys? We may have what you’re looking for!!!  We are cleaning out our pre-school classrooms. (See this weekend’s Bulletin https://www.jppc.net/onlinebulletins/301template.pdf)  Mega blocks, matchbox cars, puzzles, books, dolls, cradle, blocks, paint easels, tool bench, kitchen play sets, trucks, action figures and more! Come take a look! Monetary Donations Always Accepted!! (but not necessary.) Any donations will be used to purchase a new Smart T.V. for our parish. Hope to see you this weekend!

WELCOME BACK AGAPE: Please join us this Sunday, July 11th after the 10:30 am Mass. Come join and socialize with your fellow parishioners. Enjoy light refreshments, hosted by Parish & Family Life Committee. Hope to see your there!

THE PARISH OFFICE will be open Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 9am to 3pm. The office will be closed on Tuesday, July 13th for the Ordination of Bishop Koenig.

R.C.I.A. – CHANGE THE WORLD: Do you know someone who is interested in becoming Catholic? Are you an adult who has never made First Eucharist or been Confirmed? Deacon Frank will hold an Inquiry Session this coming Monday, July 12th at 6:30pm in the Parish Library for those adults who have not been baptized, who were baptized in another Christian tradition who desire to become Catholic or for those adults baptized Catholic in need of First Communion and/or Confirmation. For information, please contact Deacon Frank Weber at DeaconFrank@saintpolycarp.org or leave a message with the parish office. (302) 653-8279.

BLESSING OF THOSE WHO WEAR SCAPULARS takes place next Saturday at the 4pm Mass.

WEEKLY INTENTIONS: The 2022 Mass Intention Book is now open.  You can reserve a Mass or Offering by calling the parish office between the hours of 9am-3pm, or anytime via email at office@saintpolycarp.org

GIRL SCOUTS is a great opportunity for girls to build friendships and leadership. New troops are forming, and registration is open for girls entering Kindergarten through 12th grade. We are also looking for adults to help provide leadership to the girls.  Please contact Tracie Bruno at (302)242-4150 or email at Tracie.Bruno@comcast.net for more information.

ATTENTION MINISTRY LEADERS! Mark your calendar now for our Annual Leadership Information Meeting on TUESDAY, July 27th. Two representatives must be present from each ministry. Look for an email with details later next week.

REGISTRATION FOR PSR (Parish School of Religion) is now open for 2021-2022.  Our PSR offers religious education for children in pre-kindergarten through ninth grade. Sacramental preparation is offered for First Reconciliation, First Eucharist, and Confirmation. Visit https://saintpolycarp.org/religious-education/ for more information. Questions? Contact our Coordinator of Religious Education, Erica Taylor at 302-653-4101 or dre@saintpolycarp.org

IS GOD CALLING YOU?  LISTEN CAREFULLY! We are in need of a few catechists and assistants for PSR this Fall and we are always looking for members for our Christian Formation Committee and RCIA and Baptismal Teams. Catechists needed for Grades 3 and 7, Assistants needed for Grades 1, 3 and 8
If you feel God calling you, please contact Erica Taylor, CRE at 302-653-4101 or dre@saintpolycarp.org

SAVE this Date—Sunday, September 12, 2021  for St. Polycarp’s 2nd Annual Steak Dinner and Golf Tournament at Maple Dale Country Club in Dover, DE.  Plated steak dinner at this beautiful country club $35.00 and/or Golf Tournament with lunch, green fee, golf cart, on course beverages, gift bags, prizes and steak dinner $125.00 per golfer or $460.00 team of four.  For more information contact: Larry Borgman lborgaman007@gmail.com (302-38-6018) or Kathy Willes kdwilles@comcast.net (302-670-7330).  Register online at membership.faithdirect.net/events/details/7142.



WEBSITE: www.saintpolycarp.org.
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/SaintPolycarpCatholicChurch/
ONLINE GIVING: Please consider becoming an e-giver. It is easy to make your weekly or one time contributions in support of the Parish.  For more information and to sign up for online giving, visit  faith.direct/DE831
ST DENNIS: http://www.stdennischurch.org
THE DIALOG: http://thedialog.org/  Newspaper of the Diocese, copies available as you leave Church or online


CATHOLIC FORUM/RELEVANT RADIO:  Saturdays at 1:30 pm on Relevant Radio 640. On tomorrow’s episode, tune in to hear an exclusive interview with Bishop-elect William Koenig who will be ordained and installed as the 10th Bishop of Wilmington on July 13th. Listen anytime at cdow.org/CatholicForum or search Catholic Forum on Apple, Spotify or iHeartRadio podcasts.

LET US PRAY: Prayer for Vocations

Loving and Generous God,
It is You who call us by name and ask us to follow You.
Help us to grow in the Love and Service of our Church as we experience it today.
Give us the energy and courage of Your Spirit to shape its future.
Grant us faith-filled leaders who will embrace Christ’s Mission of love and justice.
Bless the Church of Wilmington by raising up dedicated and generous leaders
from our families and friends who will serve Your people as,
Priests, Brothers, Sisters, Deacons and Lay Ministers.
Inspire us to know You better and open our hearts to hear Your call.
We ask this through our Lord.   Amen.


Catholic Diocese of Wilmington Marian Pilgrimage with Bishop William Koenig at the

Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, Washington, D.C.

September 25, 2021, 10AM-4PM

CLICK HERE for information on the Marian Pilgrimage

  • 10AM: Arrival at Basilica Shrine
  • 10:15AM: Opening Prayer
  • 10:30AM-12:30PM: Pilgrims may tour Basilica & grounds independently or be guided by docents; visit the nearby Pope St. John Paul II Shrine & visit nearby Caldwell Chapel where Venerable Fulton J. Sheen used to pray the Mass when he taught at the Catholic University of America. Pilgrims may also find religious items and books in the Basilica’s two shops.
  • 12:30-1:15PM: Lunch-Eat in on-site cafeteria; brown bag lunches may be eaten on the grounds outside the Basilica Shrine
  • 1:30-2:30PM: Holy Hour & Confessions
  • 2:30PM: Bishop Koenig leads Benediction & Reposition of the Most Blessed Sacrament
  • 3-4PM-Mass in the Crypt Church:   The Blessed Virgin Mary, Pillar of Faith.
    • Before the final blessing, Bishop Koenig will bless religious articles bought by pilgrims and re-consecrate the Diocese of Wilmington to the Immaculate Heart of Mary

Weekend Update July 3/4


 Our eyes are fixed on the Lord, pleading for His mercy.

                      Happy 4th of July!                                                 

READINGS FOR THE WEEKENDhttps://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/070421.cfm

SECOND COLLECTION THIS WEEKEND: Restore the Church, build the future. Support the Church in Central and Eastern Europe. Thank you for your generosity.

LIVE-STREAMING: Visit https://www.youtube.com/c/StPolycarpSmyrnaDE for all live stream. (or visit our webpage www.saintpolycarp.org and click on the picture of the altar ) Masses may also be viewed at a later time.

ONLINE BULLETINhttps://www.jppc.net/onlinebulletins/301template.pdf 

WELCOME BACK! The Sunday Mass dispensation has been lifted by Bishop Malooly for our diocese, thereby reinstating the Sunday and Holy Day Mass obligation for Catholics in the Diocese. The obligation to physically attend Mass does not apply to those who are ill, have been exposed to the virus, or have any serious underlying health conditions. We welcome and encourage the Faithful to return to full in-person participation of the Eucharist.

THE PARISH OFFICE re-opens on Tuesday, July 6 at 9:00 am. The Office will be open Monday – Friday, 9am to 3pm. We look forward to seeing you again!

WEEKLY INTENTIONS: The New 2022 Mass Intention Book will open on Thursday, July 8th. See the Bulletin for details. You can reserve a Mass or Offering by calling the parish office between the hours of 9am-3pm, or anytime via email at office@saintpolycarp.org

SHOE DRIVE: Girl Scout Troop 547 is conducting a shoe drive fundraiser through July 9.  The troop will earn funds based on the total weight of the pairs of gently worn, used, and new shoes collected.  Contact Tracie Bruno for pick up or drop off details. (302) 242-4150 or Troop0547@gmail.com. See the Bulletin for more information.

GIRL SCOUTS is a great opportunity for girls to build friendships and leadership. New troops are forming, and registration is open for girls entering Kindergarten through 12th grade. We are also looking for adults to help provide leadership to the girls.  Please contact Tracie Bruno at (302)242-4150 or email at Tracie.Bruno@comcast.net for more information.

THE BLESSING OF THE STONES FAITH GARDEN will take place on July 10th at the 4pm Mass. We welcome all those who contributed a stone to explain its meaning by submitting a line or two, a paragraph or two, about your stone. Submissions should be sent to   submission@saintpolycarp.org. Be sure to visit the new garden located near the staff office door.

WELCOME BACK AGAPE: Please join us on Sunday, July 11th after the 10:30 am Mass. Come join and socialize with your fellow parishioners. Enjoy light refreshments, hosted by Parish & Family Life Committee. Hope to see your there!

TOYS, PUZZLES AND MORE! Need Toys? Want Toys? We may have what you’re looking for!!! Come One, Come All… to our Toy Giveaway in the halls of our PSR Building July 10 & 11… after both Masses. We are cleaning out our classrooms! We may have something you want!! Monetary Donations Always Accepted!!! Any donations will be used to purchase a new Smart T.V. for our parish.


R.C.I.A. – CHANGE THE WORLD: Do you know someone who is interested in becoming Catholic? Are you an adult who has never made First Eucharist or been Confirmed? Deacon Frank will hold an Inquiry Session on July 12th at 6:30pm for those adults who have not been baptized, who were baptized in another Christian tradition who desire to become Catholic or for those adults baptized Catholic in need of First Communion and/or Confirmation. For information, please contact Deacon Frank Weber at DeaconFrank@saintpolycarp.org or leave a message with the parish office. (302) 653-8279.

REGISTRATION FOR PSR (Parish School of Religion) is now open for 2021-2022.  Our PSR offers religious education for children in pre-kindergarten through ninth grade. Sacramental preparation is offered for First Reconciliation, First Eucharist, and Confirmation. Visit https://saintpolycarp.org/religious-education/ for more information. Questions? Contact our Coordinator of Religious Education, Erica Taylor at 302-653-4101 or dre@saintpolycarp.org

IS GOD CALLING YOU?  LISTEN CAREFULLY! We are in need of a few catechists and assistants for PSR this Fall and we are always looking for members for our Christian Formation Committee and RCIA and Baptismal Teams.
Catechists needed for Grades 3 and 7, Assistants needed for Grades 1, 3 and 8
If you feel God calling you, please contact Erica Taylor, CRE at 302-653-4101 or dre@saintpolycarp.org

SAVE this Date—Sunday, September 12, 2021  for St. Polycarp’s 2nd Annual Steak Dinner and Golf Tournament at Maple Dale Country Club in Dover, DE.  Plated steak dinner at this beautiful country club $35.00 and/or Golf Tournament with lunch, green fee, golf cart, on course beverages, gift bags, prizes and steak dinner $125.00 per golfer or $460.00 team of four.  For more information contact: Larry Borgman lborgaman007@gmail.com (302-38-6018) or Kathy Willes kdwilles@comcast.net (302-670-7330).  Register online at membership.faithdirect.net/events/details/7142.



WEBSITE: www.saintpolycarp.org.
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/SaintPolycarpCatholicChurch/
ONLINE GIVING: Please consider becoming an e-giver. It is easy to make your weekly or one time contributions in support of the Parish.  For more information and to sign up for online giving, visit  faith.direct/DE831
ST DENNIS: http://www.stdennischurch.org
THE DIALOG: http://thedialog.org/  Newspaper of the Diocese, copies available as you leave Church or online


CATHOLIC FORUM/RELEVANT RADIO:  Saturdays at 1:30 pm on Relevant Radio 640. On tomorrow’s episode, Fr. Joseph McQuaide, Chancellor of the Diocese of Wilmington and Rector of the Cathedral of St. Peter will give an insider’s preview of the July 13th ordination and installation of Bishop-elect William Koenig as Wilmington’s 10th Bishop. Listen anytime at cdow.org/CatholicForum or search Catholic Forum on Apple, Spotify or iHeartRadio podcasts.


God, source of all freedom,
this day is bright with the memory
of those who declared that life and liberty
are your gift to every human being.
Help us to continue a good work begun long ago.
Make our vision clear and our will strong:
that only in human solidarity will we find liberty,
and justice only in the honor that belongs
to every life on earth.
Turn our hearts toward the family of nations:
to understand the ways of others,
to offer friendship,
and to find safety only in the common good of all.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
R/. Amen.