As a reflection on the Passion, Death, and Resurrection of Jesus’s Paschal Mystery, we will be creating a special STONES FAITH GARDEN on our campus. In it we will teach each other how God has worked in our lives during the last year. This community testimony to God’s activity and presence will continue the teaching of the faith passed on throughout the centuries. We hope that each member of our community will participate! Likewise, we trust that each Council, Committee, parish group, and all of our various ministries will join our families in preparing a stone showing their vision of faith inspired by the disease. Make this part of your Lenten journey. Rocks will be collected during the Easter Season.
The stone for the faith garden should be painted with a few words or images to describe how God worked in you throughout the pandemic. This Lenten project is an exciting time for our family of faith. To learn more about our Stones Faith Garden and for help in painting your rock, view our short video.