~ Hannah returned her child to the Lord. How hard is it to realize that children belong to God, not to their parents?
~ What does it mean to remain in Christ?
~ How might Mary and Joseph’s search for Jesus help you to identify with the Holy Family and seek their help amid your family’s struggles?
LIVE-STREAMING FROM ST. POLYCARP: Visit for live stream at 8:30 am, Tuesdays & Wednesdays and 4 pm on Saturdays. DIOCESE OF WILMINGTON – LIVE STREAMING
WEEKLY PARISH BULLETIN: CLICK HERE . (New Bulletins are posted on Fridays.) Thank you to all of our weekly bulletin sponsors for your support during the year! Your support has not gone unnoticed by our parish community and is so appreciated!
BULLETIN OVERFLOW: There’s always information that doesn’t fit in our Bulletin – Bulletin Overflow – CLICK HERE or use this QR code
UPDATE: FAITH AND CHARITY APPEAL – One Body, One Spirit in Christ: Our Parish has pledged $67,505.52 surpassing our goal of $61,500. Of the pledged $67,505.52 pledged we have collected $66,410.96, leaving $1,094.56 in outstanding payments. Thank you to all our parishioners who contributed to the 2024 Appeal. Your generosity enables vital ministries across our diocese, including Catholic education, family life, and outreach to those in need. We are getting so close to all pledges being fulfilled! For those who haven’t fulfilled their pledges, kindly remember
to send in your payments. Now that we have reached our goal in money collected, we will receive back half of the money collected above the goal. For years the generosity of our folks has enabled us to do parish projects with the funds we receive. Your generosity in supporting this year’s appeal once again demonstrates that you understand the mission of our Church.
As we approach the end of the year, we invite you to consider a special gift to the Faith and Charity Catholic Appeal. Every gift, no matter the size, helps bring hope and faith to our communities. Envelopes can be found at the doors of the Church. You can also support the appeal online at or simply scan this QR code with your cellphone.
THIS WEEKEND, December 28/29 (and Monday, December 30th – Friday, January 4th)
The Christmas Season began on Tuesday, December 24th with the Vigil Mass for the Solemnity of the Nativity of the Lord, and will end on Sunday, January 12th with the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord. Merry Christmas!
THE SOLEMNITY OF MARY, HOLY MOTHER OF GOD – a HOLY DAY OF OBLIGATION (New Year’s Day): This Holy Day of Obligation is a celebration of Mary’s motherhood of Jesus. It is fitting to honor Mary as the Mother of Jesus following the celebration of the birth of Christ. It is a reminder of the role she played in the salvation of humankind.
Masses for the Holy Day: The Blessing of Calendars will take place at both Masses.
Tuesday, December 31st, at 4 pm
Wednesday, January 1st, at 10 am
(The 8:30 am Mass on Tuesday, December 31st is the daily Mass, not the Holy Day Mass.)
Wishing you a blessed and joyous New Year!
May this year be filled with hope, joy, and love.
May the Lord’s peace be with you, giving you strength and courage to face each day
as we place our trust in Him.
As we begin the New Year, let’s keep God front and center in our lives every moment of every day!
Monday, December 30 – Open 9 am – 3 pm
Tuesday, December 31 & Wednesday, January 1 – Closed
Thursday, January 2 – Open 9 am – 3 pm
Friday, January 3 – Open 9 am – 3 pm
PURGATORIAL SOCIETY: For the month of January, the monthly intention for the Purgatorial Society has been moved to the second Wednesday of the month, January 8th. The Christmas Novena is the intention for January 1st; therefore, making it necessary to move the intention for the Purgatorial Society.
VISIT ITALY FOR THE JUBILEE YEAR! DON’T MISS THE PILGRIMAGE OF A LIFETIME! Registration extended! Register now! Join Bishop Koenig and fellow parishioners for a Diocese of Wilmington Pilgrimage to Italy for the Celebration of the Jubilee Year! The pilgrimage runs from October 26 to November 5, 2025, and will be spiritually led by the Most Reverend William E. Koenig, D.D., Tenth Bishop of Wilmington. Features include bus transportation from Ocean City, Maryland or Wilmington, Delaware to Philadelphia Airport, economy class air transportation, nine nights’ accommodations in 4-star hotels with continental breakfast, nine meals, airport transfers and ground transportation, Papal Blessing, daily Mass, and much more. Make your reservation soon. Spaces are limited. Visit for full details including itinerary, pricing and more.
NEXT WEEKEND, January 4/5 (and Monday, January 6th – Friday, January 10th)
Come join us as we celebrate the New Year and the feast of the Epiphany next Sunday, January 5th following the 10:30am Mass in the hall with a light lunch, fellowship, and fun! All are welcome!
Did you purchase a Christmas tree ornament to support our PSR? The Christmas Trees in the hall are decorated with the ornaments. Join us for the Agape on January 5th as we celebrate the Epiphany and see how beautiful the trees look! Ornaments can be taken home as you leave the Agape. Parishioner ornaments can be found on the two trees under the crucifix. PSR student ornaments are on the two trees near the corner. Mrs. Taylor will be at the Agape to help you find your ornament. As always, thank you for your support!
PSR CLASSES: PK/K – Grade 4 students return to class on Sunday, January 5th at 9am. Grades 5 – 8 students return to class on Tuesday, January 7th at 7 pm.
THE SAINT POLYCARP ANNUAL FORUM: The Saint Polycarp Annual Forum will take place on Sunday, January 12, 2025, following the 10:30 am Mass. Join us in Mother Drexel Hall to discuss our accomplishments and share your dreams for our Parish community. Light refreshments will be served.
COME JOIN THE BROTHER VINCENT #7517 K of C & COLUMBIETTES on Saturday, January 18th, 2025 from 5:30 – 9 pm in St. Polycarp Parish Hall. A fun filled night with dinner…show…dancing! Tickets $45. Call or email Anna Skinner at 302-883-5647 or Mike Cunningham at 302-389-8952
THE FACILITIES PLANNING COMMITTEE meets on the first Tuesday of each month at 6:30 pm in the hall. We are looking for parishioners with backgrounds in electrical, plumbing, carpentry, painting and other construction expertise needed for our project. If God has blessed you with a gift you can share, please contact John Irwin, Executive Officer of Facilities Planning at 740-317-3617. Our next meeting is Tuesday, January 7th at 6:30 pm in the hall.
PLANNING PRAYER: Please join our Facilities Planning Committee in prayer as we seek God’s guidance for updating our Parish kitchen. We will be praying the “Planning Prayer” immediately following the Prayer of the Faithful. Prayer cards will be available in the pews. We would encourage you to take one home and pray it there also. Do you know who is pictured on these prayer cards?
EVENING BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT GROUP: The evening “Pathway to Peace” bereavement support group meets weekly on Thursdays at 7 pm in Classroom 8. Please contact the parish office if you are considering joining us. 302-653-8279 or
VIDEOGRAPHERS NEEDED: Are you interested in helping to promote Saint Polycarp Parish? Do you have videography skills? The Pastoral Council is looking for someone to help us make a video to showcase our parish campus. Please contact our Executive Officer, Ken Eckard at
FORMED: Thanks to a very generous and thoughtful parishioner, our FORMED Subscription has been RENEWED for another year! Please SIGN UP NOW and begin enjoying the abundant amount of Catholic content that FORMED has to offer! You won’t be disappointed! To gain full access to FORMED; follow these simple steps:
~Go to: or scan QR Code
~Enter our parish’s zip code (19977)
~Click on St. Polycarp Church
~Enter your name and your email address
MISSION: To renew the church by enkindling a living relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist.
VISION: To inspire a movement of Catholics across the United States who are healed, converted, formed, and unified by an encounter with Jesus in the Eucharist—and who are then sent out on mission “for the life of the world.”
HOLY COMMUNION TO THE SICK AND HOMEBOUND – Do you know someone who is sick or homebound and not able to make it to Mass? We would love to give them the opportunity to receive Holy Communion in their homes. Please contact April Corrales at 302-220–9616 or Lori Ostrowski at 302-540–6522
SATURDAY EUCHARISTIC ADORATION at St. Polycarp will take place monthly at the Vigil Mass for the Second Sunday of the month. Eucharistic Adoration at St. Dennis Church (Galena MD) will take place on the Fourth Sunday of the month following the 8 am Sunday Mass.
Upcoming Saturday Eucharistic Adoration at St. Polycarp: Saturdays, January 11th, February 8th, March 8th, April 12th, May 10th.
TUESDAY EUCHARISTIC ADORATION: Tuesdays from 11 am to 8 pm in the Chapel. Do you have one hour to spend with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament? Call Cheryl Thomas at 302-363–0404 or email her at All are welcome to stop in and adore Jesus between 11 am and 8 pm in the Chapel on Tuesdays. Stay for 10 minutes, 1 hour…
THE VOCATION CHALICE MINISTRY: Please consider signing up to host the vocation chalice in your home for a week. Families and individuals are encouraged to sign up! Text or call Alice Gaston at 302-670–7924. For more information visit Sunday, December 29 – Netz Family
CONNECTED IN CHRIST (ADULT FAITH FORMATION) meets every Tuesday after the 8:30 am Mass in the Parish Library – ALL are welcome. We begin with prayer, then watch a video, usually from FORMED and follow up with a discussion. We close with prayer by 11am. Come and share your faith with us. Any questions, call Cookie Ruane, 302-540-6429
CHILDREN’S LITURGY OF THE WORD: Children’s Liturgy of the Word is offered every 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month during the 10:30 am Mass. This is a wonderful opportunity for children in PreK-4th grade. It mirrors the worship experience of the larger community in an engaging and interactive style. They will listen to Scripture and engage in discussions about what they have heard at their age level. Children will be called forward before the First Reading and will return to you after the General Intercessions. Our lead catechist is Anna Skinner. She, along with her assistants, have cleared background checks.
GLUTEN FREE? Do you have an intolerance to gluten? If so, our parish offers gluten-free wafers to be consecrated for you. Please see our Sacristan 10 – 15 minutes before Mass and let them know that you need a gluten-free wafer put in the pyx. At Communion, please proceed down the aisle to the priest who will have the pyx in his hand and let him know you need a gluten-free host.
IS THAT YOU, FR. JIM? If you receive emails or texts from Fr. Jim asking for favors, gift cards or gifts or stating something similar to “I am currently busy in a meeting now, no calls so just reply to my email”, please ignore and delete. If an email looks suspicious and you’re not sure, give the office a call.
MEMORIAL BRICKS: Adding your MEMORIAL BRICK to the walkway of our Blessed Mother is a unique way to keep your memories alive. Honor family and friends! Share a favorite quote, and more! You can order through Faith Direct at: Scroll down until you see “Memorial Bricks” (you do not need to sign up for Faith Direct) or use this QR code or return your form with payment of $100 to St. Polycarp Church. Envelopes marked with “Memorial Brick” may be placed in the Offertory collection, mailed or delivered to the Parish Office (place in black box).
REDNER’S MARKETS 1% SAVE-A-TAPE FUNDRAISER: Turn your food shopping into cash for our parish. Simply be sure to obtain and scan your Redner’s Rewards Card each time you shop. Save your whole receipt. Bring your receipts to the Parish Office or put them into the collection basket. There is no expiration date – you can turn in receipts months old!
THE SMYRNA/CLAYTON MINISTERIUM FOOD PANTRY is located downstairs at St. Peter’s Episcopal Church, 22 N. Union St., Smyrna. The pantry is open from 9:30 am to 10:30 am, Monday through Friday. Due to the increased need in the community, the Pantry is in great need of cereal, juice boxes or pouches, peanut butter & jelly, hamburger helper, tuna helper, canned tuna, sloppy joe sauce (Manwich), boxed spaghetti, spaghetti sauce, vegetable beef and chicken noodle soups, macaroni & cheese, and Chef Boyardee canned pastas. No canned vegetables or beans are currently needed. Please, no expired items. Here at St. Polycarp we have bins under the coat rack in the hallway near the bathrooms to accept your donations.
BULLETIN SPONSORS: Thank you to all of our weekly bulletin sponsors for your support during the year!
ONLINE GIVING: Please consider becoming an e-giver. It is easy to make your weekly or one time contributions in support of the Parish. For more information and to sign up for online giving, visit
ST DENNIS CHURCH: 153 N. Main St. Galena, MD 21635 410-648-5145
THE DIALOG: Newspaper of the Diocese, copies available as you leave Church or online. Published every other week.
CATHOLIC FORUM/RELEVANT RADIO: Listen to Catholic Forum each week. The Catholic Forum debuts every Wednesday at 12 p.m. This week, tune in to learn about the life and spirituality of Servant of God, Nicholas Black Elk when Deacon Bill White, local postulator for the Nicholas Black Elk Cause is the guest. The Catholic Forum podcast on Apple, Spotify, iHeartRadio, Amazon Music podcasts and debuts every Wednesday at 12:00 p.; and on Relevant Radio 640 every Saturday afternoon at 1:30 pm. More information is available at CLICK HERE
LET US PRAY: A Prayer As We Enter The New Year
God of all time, help us enter the New Year quietly,
thoughtful of who we are to ourselves and to others,
mindful that our steps make an impact and our words carry power.
May we walk gently.
May we speak only after we have listened well.
Creator of all life,
help us enter the New Year reverently,
aware that you have endowed
every creature and plant, every person and habitat
with beauty and purpose.
May we regard the world with tenderness.
May we honor rather than destroy.
Lover of all souls,
help us enter the New Year joyfully,
willing to laugh and dance and dream,
remembering our many gifts with thanks
and looking forward to blessings yet to come.
May we welcome your lavish love.
May we cast off the small, vindictive god our fears have made.
May the grace and peace of Christ bless us now and in the days ahead.
– Vinita Hampton Wright