5th Sunday of Lent
~ What does St. Paul mean when he says that “you are in the spirit”?
~ How do you feel about the fact that Jesus wept at his friend’s tomb?
~ How has your faith in the resurrection been a source of hope in your life?
(Pastoral Liturgy)
READINGS FOR THE WEEKEND: https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/032623.cfm
LIVE-STREAMING: Visit https://www.youtube.com/c/StPolycarpSmyrnaDE for live stream at 8:30 am on Tuesdays and Wednesdays and 4 pm on Saturdays.
PARISH WEBSITE: Visit: www.saintpolycarp.org/.
THIS WEEKEND, MARCH 25/26 (& Monday, March 27th – Friday, March 31st)
SECOND COLLECTION this weekend is for Parish Maintenance.
PSR IN-PERSON CLASSES THIS WEEK for Grades P/K – 8. Remember to bring in your food item for our Lenten Outreach this week. CLICK HERE – LENTEN OUTREACH SCHEDULE 2023
THE VOCATION CHALICE MINISTRY: This Sunday, March 26th at the 10:30 am Mass – Laura Pajerowski,
PRETZELS! The Knights of Columbus will be selling pretzels after both Masses this weekend, March 25th and 26th. Pretzels are $2 each or 3 pretzels for $5
THE DIALOG: Pick-up the latest edition as you leave Mass this weekend!
EARLY BULLETIN DEADLINE: Please have all articles for the Easter Bulletin (April 9th) submitted to submission@saintpolycarp by 8:00 am this Monday, March 27th. Thank you for your cooperation.
THE DEANERY LENTEN PENANCE SERVICE will take place this coming Thursday, March 30th at 7 pm at Holy Cross Church (Dover, DE). Several Priests will be available to hear Confessions.
REMINDER: Fridays during Lent are obligatory days of abstinence. The norms concerning abstinence from meat are binding upon members of the Roman Catholic Church from age 14 onwards. ~USCCB
EASTER FLOWERS: Please help our altar reflect the glory of this season by placing your intentions and the names of your loved ones in the Easter flower envelope. (Envelopes can be found at the doors of the Church.)
EASTER NOVENA: To remember your loved ones, both living and deceased, with the sacred gift of the Mass offered in their honor, please complete the Easter Novena envelopes. (Envelopes can be found at the doors of the Church.)
BULLETIN OVERFLOW: Check out our “Bulletin Overflow” to learn about various Lenten activities around the Diocese. CLICK HERE TO VIEW BULLETIN OVERFLOW
NEXT WEEKEND, APRIL 1/2 (& Monday, April 3rd – Friday, April 7th)
Next Sunday, April 2nd is Palm Sunday.
CHILDREN’S LITURGY OF THE WORD (CLOW) will take place next Sunday, April 2nd during the 10:30 am Mass. All children ages PK – 4th grade are welcome to join us. Children will be called to come forward before the First Reading. They will return to you after the General Intercessions.
EASTER EGG HUNT: Our Brother Vincent Knights of Columbus will be hosting an Easter Egg Hunt on Sunday, April 2nd, following the 10:30 am Mass. All children are invited to attend. There will be prizes!
Children are asked to bring their own baskets!
AGAPE We invite you to join us for Agape’ on Palm Sunday, April 2nd after the 10:30am Mass. Enjoy an assortment of breakfast dishes and the sweet taste of donuts and coffee offered by the Knights of Columbus.
RECONCILIATION MONDAY: Catholics from throughout the Diocese of Wilmington are invited to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) at any of the 56 parish churches in Delaware and Maryland’s Eastern Shore, on Monday, April 3rd, 2023 from 3:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m., during the second annual diocesan-wide ‘Reconciliation Monday.’ Here at St. Polycarp and at St. Dennis, Confessions will be heard from 3-5 pm & 6-8 pm. This allows for Fr. Jim to be able to hear Confessions at both parishes. The event is designed to make it more convenient for Catholics to receive the sacrament at the end of Lent and beginning of Holy Week, in anticipation of the celebration of Easter.
Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord – April 1/2
Saturday, April 1st at 4 pm – St. Polycarp
Sunday, April 2nd at 10:30am – St. Polycarp
Reconciliation Monday – Monday, April 3rd – Confessions
3pm – 5pm at St. Polycarp & St. Dennis
6pm – 8pm at St. Polycarp & St. Dennis
Chrism Mass -Tuesday, April 4th
at Holy Cross Church, Dover DE – 7pm
Holy Thursday – Thursday, April 6th
Mass of the Lord’s Supper at St. Polycarp – 7pm
Good Friday – Friday, April 7th
Passion of the Lord at St. Dennis – 3pm
(No service at St. Polycarp. All parishioners are strongly encouraged and invited to attend the 3 pm Passion of the Lord Service at St. Dennis) Pray for vocations.
Holy Saturday – Saturday, April 8th
No Confessions either Parish
Easter Vigil at St. Polycarp – 8pm
Easter Sunday – Sunday, April 9th
St. Polycarp at 8am and 10am
St. Dennis at 8am, 9:30am and 11am (Hispanic)
DIVINE MERCY: Please note that there will be no Divine Mercy at St. Polycarp Church on Good Friday. We hope you will attend the 3pm service at St. Dennis.
EUCHARISTIC ADORATION: Tuesdays from noon to 8pm in the Chapel. We need a few more people to sign up for a scheduled Adoration time slot so we can expand our Adoration hours. We need adorers for the following timeslots: 9:30 & 10:00 am, 12:00, 2:00, & 3:00 pm. Please consider this devotion. You can come to the adoration chapel and in the peacefulness there He will speak to your heart, and you will return eagerly because He has so much to share with you. Call or Email Cheryl Thomas; salcrest7@gmail.com, 302-659-3388
THE PARISH OFFICE is in need of volunteers to help out at the front desk. Please consider helping in this important role. Various times and dates available. Let us know what is convenient for you! If you are interested in helping or would like more information, please contact Kathy Watts at the church office 302-653-8279 or via email office@saintpolycarp.org.
SPRING IS HERE! Time to think about ordering your MEMORIAL BRICK! Adding your MEMORIAL BRICK to the walkway of our Blessed Mother is a unique way to keep your memories alive. It is a way to remind us of all those special loved ones or occasions forever. If you would like to become a part of the walkway to our Blessed Mother, with your name or the name of a loved one, now is a good time to do so! There are several ways to order your bricks. You can order through Faith Direct at: Faith Direct MEMORIAL BRICK (you do not need to sign up for Faith Direct), use the QR code below or return your form* with payment of $80 to St. Polycarp Church. Envelopes marked with “Memorial Brick” may be placed in the Offertory collection, delivered to the Parish Office (place in black box), or mailed to the Parish Office.*Forms can be found on our parish website or at the entrances into the church.
CHANGE THE WORLD: BECOME CATHOLIC! Is there someone you would like to invite to explore the Catholic faith – someone unbaptized, or baptized in a non-Catholic Christian tradition? Do you know someone who needs Confirmation and/or First Eucharist? Perhaps, the Catholic faith can fulfill their desires for a closer relationship with Our Lord. Then, the RCIA process is for them. Please contact Deacon Frank Weber for more information. DeaconFrank@saintpolycarp.org or leave a message with the Parish office at (302) 653-8279.
CHILDREN’S LITURGY OF THE WORD (CLOW) takes place on the first and third Sundays of the month during the 10:30 am Mass. All children ages PK – 4th grade are welcome to join us. Children will be called to come forward before the First Reading. They will return to you after the General Intercessions. All catechists and assistants have a cleared background check. If you are interested in helping with this ministry, please contact Erica Taylor at (302) 653-4101. Next CLOW – Sunday, April 2nd at the 10:30 am Mass.
THE VOCATION CHALICE MINISTRY: Please consider signing up to host the vocation chalice in your home for a week. Text or call Alice Gaston at (302) 670 – 7924. For more information visit https://saintpolycarp.org/vocation-chalice/ March 26th at the 10:30 am Mass – Laura Pajerowski, April 16th at the 10:30 am Mass – Pete Sanphy
CONNECTED IN CHRIST (ADULT FAITH FORMATION) meets every Tuesday at 9:30 AM in the Parish Library – ALL are welcome. Please join us. If you have any questions, please call Cookie Ruane at 302-540-6429.
GLUTEN FREE? Do you have an intolerance to gluten? If so, our parish offers gluten-free wafers to be consecrated for you. Please see our Sacristan 10 – 15 minutes before Mass and let them know that you need a gluten-free wafer put in the pyx. At Communion, please proceed down the aisle to the priest who will have the pyx in his hand and let him know you need a gluten-free host.
IS THAT YOU, FR. JIM? If you receive emails or texts from Fr. Jim asking for favors, gift cards or gifts or stating something similar to “I am currently busy in a meeting now, no calls so just reply to my email.”, please ignore and delete. If an email looks suspicious and you’re not sure, give the office a call.
FORMED: Have you had the opportunity to dive into FORMED? To sign up visit www.formed.org. Type in our Parish zip code (19977) and follow the steps to sign up or you can use the QR code below. Take advantage of your free subscription to FORMED! Enjoy thousands of hours of quality Catholic content!
REDNER’S MARKETS 1% SAVE-A-TAPE FUNDRAISER: Turn your food shopping into cash for our parish. Simply be sure to obtain and scan your Redner’s Rewards Card each time you shop. Save your whole receipt. Bring your receipts to the Parish Office or put them into the collection basket. There is no expiration date – you can turn in receipts months old!
BULLETIN SPONSORS: Thank you to all of our weekly bulletin sponsors for your support during the year! Your support has not gone unnoticed by our parish community and is so appreciated!
WEBSITE: www.saintpolycarp.org.
BULLETIN: https://www.jppc.net/onlinebulletins/301template.pdf
BULLETIN OVERFLOW: https://saintpolycarp.org/this-weeks-bulletin/
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/c/StPolycarpSmyrnaDE
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/SaintPolycarpCatholicChurch/
ONLINE GIVING: Please consider becoming an e-giver. It is easy to make your weekly or one time contributions in support of the Parish. For more information and to sign up for online giving, visit faith.direct/DE831
ST DENNIS: http://www.stdennischurch.org
DIOCESE OF WILMINGTON – LIVE STREAMING https://www.youtube.com/user/DioceseofWilm
FOR THE SAKE OF GOD’S CHILDREN: https://www.cdow.org/giving/fsgc/
THE DIALOG: http://thedialog.org/ Newspaper of the Diocese, copies available as you leave Church or online
EWTN: ewtn.com
CATHOLIC FORUM/RELEVANT RADIO: Saturdays at 1:30 pm on Relevant Radio 640AM. On Saturday, March 25th, Dr. Thomas D. Williams will discuss his new book, The Coming Christian Persecution. CLICK HERE You can listen online at cdow.org/CatholicForum, or by searching “Catholic Forum” on Apple, Spotify, iHeartRadio, or Amazon Music podcasts. “Like” Catholic Forum on Facebook at facebook.com/CatholicForum @CatholicForum.
Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen
March 25 – The Solemnity of the Annunciation is celebrated nine months before the Nativity of the Lord. The Annunciation recalls the day when the Archangel Gabriel appeared to Mary and revealed God’s will that she become the Mother of the Son of God, and she accepted. At that moment, the “Word became Flesh and dwelt among us” (John 1:14).