Home » Announcements » Weekend Update May 27/28

Mass Schedule

St. Polycarp, Smyrna DE
(302) 653-8279
Saturday – 4:00 pm
Sunday – 10:30 am
Weekday Mass – 8:30 am, Tuesday & Wednesday
Confessions – Saturdays, 2:30 pm – 3:30 pm
Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/StPolycarpSmyrnaDE


St. Dennis, Galena MD
(410) 648-5145
Sunday – 8:00 am
Sunday – 11:00 am (Spanish)
Weekday Mass – 8:30 am, Thursday & Friday
Confessions – Sundays, 7:00-7:30 am
Live Stream:


DE Home for the Chronically Ill (DHCI):
Communion Service – 3rd Tuesday at 10:30 am
Communion Service – 1st Wednesday at 1:15 pm

Parish Contact

55 Ransom Lane,
Smyrna, Delaware 19977

Parish Office : (302) 653-8279
Email: office@saintpolycarp.org

Religious Education: (302)653-4101
Email: dre@saintpolycarp.org

Weekend Update May 27/28

May 27/28, 2023

Which image or title of the Holy Spirit best helps you to understand his role in your life?
~ How do you use the gifts that the Holy Spirit has given you?
~ How has your relationship with the Holy Spirit enabled you to be a witness to Christ in the world?

READINGS FOR THE WEEKEND:  https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/052823.cfm

LIVE-STREAMING: Visit https://www.youtube.com/c/StPolycarpSmyrnaDE for live stream at 8:30 am on Tuesdays and Wednesdays and 4 pm on Saturdays.

PARISH WEBSITE: Visit: www.saintpolycarp.org/.

WEEKLY PARISH BULLETIN: CLICK HERE (New Bulletins are posted on Fridays.) 


THIS WEEKEND, MAY 27/28 (& Monday, May 29th – Friday, June 2nd  

PENTECOST SUNDAY – THIS WEEKEND! WEAR RED TO MASS TO SHOW YOUR SPIRIT! Be with the Spirit and remember to wear red to Mass this weekend (May 27th & 28th) as we celebrate the gift of the Holy Spirit. Flames of the Holy Spirit rested upon each Apostle and they received the gifts of the Holy Spirit.


THE EASTER SEASON:   The Easter season (fifty days of rejoicing and celebrating Jesus’ resurrection and His victory over death) concludes with the Solemnity of Pentecost.  



APOSTLES’ CREED: Pentecost is the 50th Day of the Easter Season so  we will continue to pray the Apostles’ Creed instead of the Nicene Creed. (Breaking Bread Hymnal on page 10.)

As you may have noticed, the Eucharistic Adoration Prayer is now being led by the Cantor. To center ourselves in prayer before Mass begins, this will now be said after the Cantor reads the Announcements. The prayer can be found on the inside of the front cover of Breaking Bread

ANNUAL PARISH FORUM – DREAM LIST RESPONSES: Every year, our two Councils (Pastoral & Finance) host the Annual Forum. This forum offers parishioners valuable information regarding the different ministries /committees of Saint Polycarp. During this forum, parishioners have the opportunity to voice their ideas, concerns and dreams. Every year a “Dream List” is created from input at the meeting.  In this week’s Bulletin, you will find an insert that gives information on the follow-through with the different items brought up during the forum. You may also CLICK HERE to view the insert.

DEVOTIONAL OR VOTIVE CANDLES: The price of lighting a devotional or votive candle has risen. The donation is now $3.00 instead of the original price of $2.00. This change should be noticed on the new signs placed by the candles.

FATHER’S DAY NOVENA MASS: Honor the Fathers, Grandfathers, Uncles, Father-figures and other special men in your life on their special day.  Whether they are living or deceased, the gift of prayer is a beautiful way to show your deep appreciation for their sacrificial love.  Please use the Father’s Day Mass Remembrance envelopes to inscribe the names you wish to be remembered in the Masses offered by our parish beginning  June 17th

CATHOLIC DIOCESE OF WILMINGTON – 2023 FAITH AND CHARITY CATHOLIC APPEALThank you to those who have already contributed to this year’s Faith and Charity Appeal and to those parishioners who have signed pledge cards. Our parish target for the 2023 Faith and Charity Appeal is $60,000. To date, we have received $42,546.03 in pledges; $17,453.97 short of our goal. If our parish exceeds the $60,000 goal, we will receive back half of the money collected above the goal for projects around our campus. If you have not made your pledge, please fill out and return your pledge cards to ensure we meet our parish goal. Pledge envelopes are available in the pews and at the doors of the Church and can be placed in the offertory basket or returned to the parish office. Thank you for your generosity and support.

Participants in the 2023 Faith and Charity Catholic Appeal can expect to receive their first payment reminder on or about May 31st.  Additional reminders will continue through December.  Please mail all payments in the self-addressed, return envelope provided with your mailing.  Do not submit payments to the parish office or through the Offertory collection.

To learn more about the Faith and Charity Catholic Appeal, visit www.cdow.org; click “Giving” then “Faith and Charity Catholic Appeal,” or simply scan this QR code with your cellphone.

PRAYERS: Please say some extra prayers for Deacon Frank. We hope to see him back in the office and at Church next week.



SECOND COLLECTION next weekend, June 3rd and June 4th, will be for the Diocesan Priests Retirement.  Please be as generous as your means allow in supporting our aged Diocesan Priests.  Our priests have given up much to bring to you the sacraments and God’s message of love by their sacrifice in becoming a priest.  Now it is your turn to give back and lend a hand to our Priests

ST. POLYCARP SQUIRE CIRCLE LOCK IN FUNDRAISER: The Squires will be at the doors of the Church after Masses on June 3rd and 4th. The Squires are asking for your support. Funds collected will be split between St. Polycarp and the State Police K9 Unit.  (Please make any checks payable to “St. Polycarp Squire Circle”).Once again this year, the Squires are conducting a “Lock In”. On June 23rd (Friday) and 24th (Saturday). the Squires will be here at the Parish from Friday at 7 pm until Saturday at 7 pm. The Lock In will conclude with the 4 pm Mass to celebrate and install the new officers for the Columbian year. Our Squire Circle will soon celebrate its 15th year!!!  Thank you for your continued prayers and support!


CORPUS CHRISTI PROCESSION: The Liturgy Committee invites you to participate in the Corpus Christi Procession following the 10:30 am Mass on June 11, 2023. This is a wonderful opportunity to foster an encounter with Jesus and proclaim the doctrine of the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. St. Francis of Assisi said, “…In this world I cannot see the Most High Son of God with my own eyes, except for His Most Holy Body and Blood.”

THE JUNE AGAPE, hosted by the Brother Vincent Columbiettes, will take place on Sunday, June 11th, following the Corpus Christi Procession.   All are welcome to come to the Hall for food and fellowship!



EUCHARISTIC ADORATION: Tuesdays from noon to 8pm in the Chapel. We need a few more people to sign up for a scheduled Adoration time slot so we can expand our Adoration hours. We need adorers for these timeslots on Tuesday: 12:00 pm, 2:00 pm and 3:00 pm. Call or email Cheryl Thomas salcrest7@gmail.com or  (302) 363 – 0404.


FINANCE COUCIL: Individuals interested in becoming an active part of the Finance Council.  The role of the Finance Council is to: Support all Parish ministries; Facilitate the achievement of the Parish mission, and; Provide ongoing financial guidance to Fr. Jim and Parish leadership If you have an interest in assisting in the financial success of St. Polycarp, please reach out to John Fcasni at (609) 529 – 1986 or john.fcasni@gmail.com


MEMORIAL BRICKS!  Adding your MEMORIAL BRICK to the walkway of our Blessed Mother is a unique way to keep your memories alive.  It is a way to remind us of all those special loved ones or occasions forever.  If you would like to become a part of the walkway to our Blessed Mother, with your name or the name of a loved one, now is a good time to do so! There are several ways to order your bricks.  You can order through Faith Direct at: Faith Direct MEMORIAL BRICK (you do not need to sign up for Faith Direct), use the QR code below or return your form* with payment of $80  to St. Polycarp Church.  Envelopes marked with “Memorial Brick” may be placed in the Offertory collection, delivered to the Parish Office (place in black box), or mailed to the Parish Office.*Forms can be found on our parish website or at the entrances into the church.

CHANGE THE WORLD: BECOME CATHOLIC! Is there someone you would like to invite to explore the Catholic faith – someone unbaptized, or baptized in a non-Catholic Christian tradition? Do you know someone who needs Confirmation and/or First Eucharist? Perhaps, the Catholic faith can fulfill their desires for a closer relationship with Our Lord. Then, the RCIA process is for them. Please contact Deacon Frank Weber for more information. DeaconFrank@saintpolycarp.org or leave a message with the Parish office at (302) 653 – 8279.


THE VOCATION CHALICE MINISTRY: Please consider signing up to host the vocation chalice in your home for a week.  Text or call Alice Gaston at (302) 670 – 7924. For more information visit https://saintpolycarp.org/vocation-chalice/

CONNECTED IN CHRIST (ADULT FAITH FORMATION) meets every Tuesday at 9:30 am in the Parish Library – ALL are welcome. Please join us. If you have any questions, please call Cookie Ruane at (302) 540 – 6429.

GLUTEN FREE? Do you have an intolerance to gluten? If so, our parish offers gluten-free wafers to be consecrated for you. Please see our Sacristan 10 – 15 minutes before Mass and let them know that you need a gluten-free wafer put in the pyx. At Communion, please proceed down the aisle to the priest who will have the pyx in his hand and let him know you need a gluten-free host.

IS THAT YOU, FR. JIM? If you receive emails or texts from Fr. Jim asking for favors, gift cards or gifts or stating something similar to “I am currently busy in a meeting now, no calls so just reply to my email.”, please ignore and delete. If an email looks suspicious and you’re not sure, give the office a call.

FORMED: Have you had the opportunity to dive into FORMED To sign up visit www.formed.org. Type in our Parish zip code (19977) and follow the steps to sign up or you can use the QR code below. Take advantage of your free subscription to FORMED! Enjoy thousands of hours of quality Catholic content!


Turn your food shopping into cash for our parish. Simply be sure to obtain and scan your Redner’s Rewards Card each time you shop. Save your whole receipt. Bring your receipts to the Parish Office or put them into the collection basket. There is no expiration date – you can turn in receipts months old!

BULLETIN SPONSORS: Thank you to all of our weekly bulletin sponsors for your support during the year! Your support has not gone unnoticed by our parish community and is so appreciated!



WEBSITE: www.saintpolycarp.org.
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/SaintPolycarpCatholicChurch/
ONLINE GIVING: Please consider becoming an e-giver. It is easy to make your weekly or one time contributions in support of the Parish.  For more information and to sign up for online giving, visit  faith.direct/DE831
ST DENNIS: http://www.stdennischurch.org
DIOCESE OF WILMINGTON – LIVE STREAMING https://www.youtube.com/user/DioceseofWilm
FOR THE SAKE OF GOD’S CHILDREN: https://www.cdow.org/giving/fsgc/
THE DIALOG: http://thedialog.org/  Newspaper of the Diocese, copies available as you leave Church or online
EWTN: ewtn.com


CATHOLIC FORUM/RELEVANT RADIO:  Saturdays at 1:30 pm on Relevant Radio 640AM.  On Saturday, May 27th, hear highlights from the May 20th ordination of Father O.C. John Enemou.CLICK HERE     You can listen online at cdow.org/CatholicForum, or by searching “Catholic Forum” on Apple, Spotify, iHeartRadio, or Amazon Music podcasts.   “Like” Catholic Forum on Facebook at facebook.com/CatholicForum @CatholicForum.


Gracious God, on this Memorial Day, we pray for those who courageously laid down their lives for the cause of freedom.  May the examples of their sacrifice inspire in us the selfless love of your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ.  Bless the families of our fallen troops, and fill their homes and their lives with your strength and peace.  In union with people of goodwill of every nation, embolden us to answer the call to work for peace and justice, and thus, seek an end to violence and conflict around the globe.  We ask this through Your name. Amen.