Sixth Sunday of Easter
Whoever loves me will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our dwelling with him.
LIVE-STREAMING: Visit for live stream at 8:30 am on Tuesdays and Wednesdays and 4 pm on Saturdays.
If you are interested in being involved in this ministry, please email Lisa at or Judy at
THE VOCATION CHALICE MINISTRY: Sunday, May 22nd at the 10:30 am Mass – Kathy Watts – Please arrive 15 minutes before your mass time and pick up materials in the sacristy.
APOSTLES’ CREED: We will continue praying the Apostles’ Creed instead of the Nicene Creed at Mass until Pentecost. (Page 10 in Breaking Bread)`
CATHOLIC DIOCESE OF WILMINGTON – 2022 FAITH AND CHARITY CATHOLIC APPEAL: Thank you to those who have already contributed to this year’s campaign and to those parishioners who have signed pledge cards. Your generosity in supporting this campaign enables the diocese to do the work of our Lord. When our parish collects its goal amount, a percentage of the excess will be returned to our parish to foster our charitable and ministerial work. If you haven’t already done so, please consider supporting this year’s appeal. Pledge cards can be found in the pews. Participants in the 2022 Faith and Charity Catholic Appeal can expect to receive their first payment reminder on or about May 31. Additional reminders will continue through December. Please mail all payments in the self-addressed, return envelope provided with your mailing. To learn more about the Faith and Charity Catholic Appeal, visit; click “Giving” then “Faith and Charity Catholic Appeal”, or simply scan this QR code with your cellphone.
YOUR INPUT IS NEEDED! SYNOD 2021 – 2023 FOR A SYNODAL CHURCH: An Online Synod Listening Session is available for everyone in the Diocese of Wilmington who has access to technology to participate in the 2021-2023 Synod convoked by Pope Francis. Through the guidance of the Holy Spirit, Bishop Koenig invites all in the diocese to reflect with him on how we are journeying together as a Church. Those who have not participated in an in-person ListeningSession are invited to participate in an online version by watching the video provided and then filling out the Online Synod Consultation Form found here: This option will be available until the end of May..
THE ASCENSION: The Solemnity of the Ascension of our Lord, will be celebrated at Masses next weekend. The Ascension of the Lord highlights Jesus’ ascension into heaven.
PSR REGISTRATION: Registration is now open for 2022-2023 religious education classes. We offer religious education classes for children in Pre-K through Grade 9, Sacramental Preparation for First Reconciliation, First Eucharist and Confirmation. We also offer Intermediate Sacramental Prep (ISP) for older children who have not yet received sacraments.
Please register early to help us plan for next year & registering early helps you save money!
(see form for tuition rates). We have a variety of ways to register:
- Online – To pay with a credit or debit card or from your bank account, visit
- Use this QR code:
3. Pick-up a printed copy from the black drop box located outside under the portico.
4. To print the Registration Form, visit
A big THANK YOU to those families who have already registered!
SHOW YOUR SPIRIT! WEAR RED! PENTECOST SUNDAY, JUNE 4 / 5. On Pentecost Sunday, we celebrate the gift of the Holy Spirit. Flames of the Holy Spirit rested upon each Apostle and they received the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Plan on wearing RED to Mass on the weekend of June 4th & 5th!
DIOCESAN PRIESTS’ RETIREMENT FUND: The weekend of June 4 and 5, all Catholic churches in Delaware and Maryland’s Eastern Shore will conduct a special collection to benefit the Diocesan Priests’ Retirement Fund. As more and more of our priests retire from active parish ministry, there is a growing need to supplement this fund. Your generosity and prayers for our aging priests are greatly appreciated.
THE VOCATION CHALICE MINISTRY: Please sign up to take home the Vocation Chalice for one week. Call or text Alice Gaston 302-670-7924 to sign up. Each week a family will receive the Vocation Chalice at Mass and take it home with the promise to “pray for vocations” during that week. The family should place the chalice in a prominent place in their home and gather together each day to pray for the awareness of vocations. At the end of the week, the family will bring the chalice back to church so the next family can take it home. A booklet will accompany the chalice that has prayers and instructions. We need your prayers and for you to sign up. See the Bulletin for schedule. May 22 – K. Watts, June 4 – T. Bruno.
CHANGE THE WORLD: BECOME CATHOLIC! If you know someone who is looking for a new beginning and wants to learn more about the Catholic Church, “personally invite” them to our RCIA sessions, Monday evenings at 6:30pm. The RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) is for individuals who are unbaptized, baptized in other faith traditions or Catholic adults wishing to receive Confirmation and Holy Eucharist and seeking full membership in the Catholic Church. We are all called to share the “Good News” and you can make a difference by simply asking! Please contact Deacon Frank Weber for more information at or leave a message with the Parish office at (302) 653-8279.
REDNER’S MARKETS 1% SAVE-A-TAPE FUNDRAISER: Turn your food shopping into cash for our parish. Simply be sure to obtain and scan your Redner’s Rewards Card each time you shop. Save your whole receipt. Bring your receipts to the Parish Office or put them into the collection basket. There is no expiration date – you can turn in receipts months old!
Thank you to our Bulletin advertisers! We appreciate your support! – Thank you to this week’s advertiser – Encompass Health, Rehabilitation Hospital of Middletown, DE.
ONLINE GIVING: Please consider becoming an e-giver. It is easy to make your weekly or one time contributions in support of the Parish. For more information and to sign up for online giving, visit
THE DIALOG: Newspaper of the Diocese, copies available as you leave Church or online
ORDINATION TO THE PRIESTHOOD: The Most Reverend William E. Koenig, Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Wilmington, will ordain Rev. Mr. Brennan H. Ferris, a transitional deacon for the Diocese, to the priesthood on Saturday, May 21, 2022. The Mass of Ordination will be held at 11:00 a.m. at the Cathedral of St. Peter in Wilmington. The Mass will be live-streamed on the diocesan YouTube channel –
CATHOLIC FORUM/RELEVANT RADIO: Saturdays at 1:30 pm on Relevant Radio 640. On tomorrow’s (May 21) episode of Catholic Forum, Ms. Christine Lassiter, director, and Mr. Joseph Kirk Ryan, volunteer, at the Seamen’s Center of Wilmington will discuss the work of the Center to assist cargo ship crews from around the world, and the importance of the National Day of Prayer and Remembrance for Mariners and People of the Sea, that happens on May 22nd. You can listen online at, or by searching “Catholic Forum” on Apple, Spotify, iHeartRadio, or Amazon Music podcasts. “Like” Catholic Forum on Facebook at @CatholicForum.
MARRIAGE MOMENTS: Natural or national disasters can bring out the best in humanity as we rally to help those in need. A marriage crisis can also prompt a couple to sacrifice for each other or honestly deal with a recurring problem. Don’t wait for a disaster, however, to test your love. Prevention is better.
PARENTING POINTERS: Talk to your child about lifting up their spirit to God – in prayer, by doing a favor for someone… Maybe fly a kite or watch some birds together to connect with Jesus’ Ascension.
LET US PRAY: May 21 – Armed Forces Day
Lord God, Almighty Father,
creator of mankind and author of peace,
as we are ever mindful of the cost paid for the liberty we possess,
we ask you to bless the members of our armed forces.
Give them courage, hope and strength.
May they ever experience your firm support, gentle love and compassionate healing.
Be their power and protector, leading them from darkness to light.
To you be all glory, honor and praise, now and forever. Amen.